Hazardous waste generators are businesses or individuals that produce some form of hazardous waste as a result of their processes. The files below include hazardous waste generators registered with the State of Missouri. For more information about generator registration, visit the department's Hazardous Waste Generator Registration webpage.
The files below are updated weekly. Some browsers require the user to left click the mouse button while pressing the shift key to download a file.
Active Hazardous Waste Generators
The Active Hazardous Waste Generators list provides information about hazardous waste generators registered in Missouri that have an active generator identification number. Information provided for each facility includes the facilities federal (EPA) and state identification numbers, facility name and address, contact person and whether the facility is a large or small quantity hazardous waste generator. In order to minimize the file size, conditionally exempt small quantity generators and sites that have inactive generator identification numbers are not included.
*Note: Both the zipped database file and Excel files below contain the same information, just in different formats.
Deactivated Hazardous Waste Generators
The hazardous waste generators included on the list below have inactive generator identification numbers due to non-compliance issues, including failure to file the required reporting, failure to pay applicable fees and taxes, or both. Any Missouri treatment, storage and disposal facility that accepts hazardous waste from generators on this list is in violation of Missouri Revised Statutes section 260.390(3), RSMo for accepting waste from an improperly registered generator.
*Note: All lists below contain the same information, just in different arrangements or formats.