A box truck loaded with scrap tires

A scrap tire, also referred to as a waste tire, is a tire that is no longer suitable for its original intended purpose because of wear, damage or defect. Scrap tires are generated when and where new tires replace unusable ones. Retailers, also known as scrap tire collection centers, are the most common type of generator. Scrap tire haulers transport the scrap tires to processing facilities where the tires are reduced in volume by shredding, cutting, buffing, chipping, baling or otherwise altered so they can be recycled, used for resource recovery or disposed. 

For general information about scrap tire management, visit Scrap Tires. For compliance information, please contact the department's regional office in your area. For information about applying for a permit, visit Scrap Tire Hauler Permits.

The table below contains information about companies or individuals who have obtained a permit to transport scrap tires for profit within Missouri. There may be other end users in Missouri about which the department has not been informed. This list is not intended as an endorsement, certification or warranty to any company or product by or from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. 

Hauler Address County Phone Number Regional Office US DOT License Number MoDNR Permit Number Expiration Date
A & A Wholesale Tire LLC

14510 Quail Run Dr
Sainte Genevieve, MO 63670
United States

Ste. Genevieve 307-337-8268 Southeast Regional Office 4197671 10193008
A-1 Hauler LLC

7921 S.E. Santa Rosa Road
Cameron, MO 64429
United States

DeKalb 816-830-9810 Kansas City Regional Office 1019918 10047007
AAA Keep You Rolling Tire and Wheel Repair LLC

3123 Creek Road
Moscow Mills, MO 63362
United States

Lincoln 314-372-1792 St. Louis Regional Office 3591837 10113006

4401 Gardner Ave.
Kansas City, MO 64120
United States

Jackson 816-421-5557 Kansas City Regional Office 925354 10095023
Amanda Million, dba Million Tire

P.O. Box 48
Sarcoxie, MO 64862
United States

Jasper 417-448-9034 Southwest Regional Office 2465241 10097013
American Tire Distributors Inc., dba ATD

P.O. Box 3145
Huntersville, NC 28078
United States

708-698-1170 Southeast Regional Office 175882 10231152
Barnett Salvage Inc.

4891 S. 135th Road
Bolivar, MO 65613
United States

Polk 417-536-3205 Southwest Regional Office 3871782 10167004
Becks Tire Service Inc., dba Beck Tire International

2223 Manchester Trafficway
Kansas City, MO 64126
United States

Jackson 816-241-1155 Kansas City Regional Office 441703 1009510
Big R Tires LLC

1326 S. Business 54
Fulton, MO 65251
United States

Callaway 573-690-0311 Northeast Regional Office 2583026 10027011
BM Consulting LLC, dba KC Tire Group

13911 E. Highway 350
Kansas City, MO 64139
United States

Jackson 816-694-2277 Kansas City Regional Office 2825269 10095043