Click on the image to access online locational data for air facilities and air quality monitoring sites.

The following table contains electronic copies of air permits that the department has issued since Jan. 1, 1997. The list includes construction permits, also called new source review permits, operating permits and permit-by-rule permits. A list of air permits issued before 1997 is available in a separate search systems listed below.  

The department is transferring the air permits issued before Jan. 1, 1997, to the table below as time and staffing allow. If you cannot locate a permit for a specific facility, the permit could be pending. If you are still unable to find the information you are searching for, please submit an Open Records/ Sunshine Law Request.

This table can be sorted by field (except city, county) by clicking on the column heading. You can also enter criteria in the search boxes* to search for a specific air permit.

*This is an "and" type search. All search criteria you enter must be met for the permit to appear in the results. If the permit you are searching for is not listed in the results, try again using less criteria.

Facility Site ID City, County Permit Type Permit Number Date issued
Yanfeng USA Automotive Trim Systems-Riverside, 112014-005A 165-0041 Riverside,
Construction Permit: De Minimis 112014-005A
York Casket-Marshfield, 022003-013 225-0025 Marshfield,
Construction Permit: De Minimis 022003-013
York Casket-Marshfield, 0497-011 225-0025 Marshfield,
Construction Permit: Minor 0497-011
York Casket-Marshfield, OP1999-194 225-0025 Marshfield,
Operating Permit: Part 70 OP1999-194
YORK Label-Northmoor, OP2010-011 165-0021 Northmoor,
Operating Permit: Intermediate OP2010-011
Zoellner Hwy 67 & Berry Rd LLC, 042008-002 187-0082 Bonne Terre,
St. Francois
Construction Permit: De Minimis 042008-002
Zoellner's Bloomsdale Ready-Mix, LLC, 012025-005 186-0066 Imperial,
Ste. Genevieve
Construction Permit: De Minimis 012025-005
Zoltek Carbon Fibers-Weldon Spring, 0497-016 183-0110 Weldon Spring,
St. Charles
Construction Permit: De Minimis 0497-016
Zoltek Corp.-St. Peters, 112015-003 183-0261 St. Peters,
St. Charles
Construction Permit: De Minimis 112015-003
Zoltek Corp.-St. Peters, 112015-003A 183-0261 St. Peters,
St. Charles
Construction Permit: De Minimis 112015-003A
Zoltek Corp.-St. Peters, 112021-011 183-0261 St. Peters,
St. Charles
Construction Permit: De Minimis 112021-011
Zoltek Corp.-Weldon Spring, 012018-001 183-0110 Weldon Spring,
St. Charles
Construction Permit: De Minimis 012018-001
Zoltek Corp.-Weldon Spring, 012018-001A 183-0110 Weldon Spring,
St. Charles
Construction Permit: De Minimis 012018-001A
Zoltek Corp.-Weldon Spring, 012018-001B 183-0110 Weldon Spring,
St. Charles
Construction Permit: De Minimis 012018-001B
Zoltek Corp.-Weldon Spring, 082015-009 183-0110 Weldon Spring,
St. Charles
Construction Permit: De Minimis 082015-009