Under the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) program, the department provides Regionalization Incentive Grants to municipalities for developing facility plans or sewer extension construction projects to connect small, struggling facilities outside its political boundary who currently discharge effluent to Missouri waterways. Small facilities often lack the financial and technical resources to upgrade their wastewater treatment facilities to meet more stringent limits and operate their facilities appropriately. These facilities typically serve such a small number of connections that the cost to comply with permit conditions is a significant financial challenge for the users. The main benefit of regionalization is that it pools individual resources of two or more wastewater systems to obtain services or facilities that one or both systems may not have been able to obtain by themselves.
The main focus of the grant is to incentivize projects that would not be completed without this funding and reduce the number of small, struggling facilities currently under or likely to come under enforcement action with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. By receiving and treating wastewater from the smaller facility, we reduce the number of point sources releasing pollutants to Missouri's waterways, increase operating efficiency and stimulate opportunities for economic development.
Funding is provided by the CWSRF fund, capitalization grant additional subsidization allocation. Funding is offered through a competitive, annual funding cycle. The department typically accepts applications through March 1.
Information and Assistance
The department encourages potential applicants to contact the department's Financial Assistance Center for assistance. The center can be reached at 573-751-1192 or by email at fac@dnr.mo.gov.