Application Period is Open
Subsurface aquifers are the main source of drinking water for over 2.9 million Missourians. In addition to creating a physical hazard, abandoned wells provide a direct channel for surficial contamination to enter groundwater aquifers. Properly plugging abandoned water wells is one step communities can take to protect their raw water source.
Section 1452(g) and (k) of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act authorizes the Missouri Department of Natural Resources to distribute part of the Missouri Drinking Water State Revolving Fund to promote wellhead protection awareness, education and implementation. Through this grant program, the department provides financial assistance to groundwater-based community and not-for-profit noncommunity public water systems to identify and properly plug abandoned drinking water wells according to state and federal regulations and requirements. Funding is offered through a competitive, annual funding cycle.
Information and Assistance
For additional information, please contact the department’s Source Water Protection Program Coordinator at 573-526-0269 or via email at sourcewaterprotection@dnr.mo.gov.