The following table contains electronic copies of all currently effective site-specific wastewater permits — not master general permits — issued by the department. These facilities have been authorized to either discharge to waters of the state, or to operate a no-discharge wastewater treatment facility. These permits are written to be site-specific, issued to that one location to reflect the unique nature of the wastewater or the receiving water. The list includes Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) permits, stormwater permits, wastewater permits and underground injection control well permits. The permits are consistent with applicable water quality standards, effluent standards or treatment requirements or suitable timetables to meet these requirements (10 CSR 20-7.015 and 7.031).

The department will add each site specific wastewater permit as it is issued. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please submit an Open Records/ Sunshine Law Request.

To sort the table below by field, click on the column headings in the table. You can also enter criteria in the search boxes to search for a specific wastewater permit.

*This is an "and" type search. All search criteria you enter must be met for the permit to appear in the results. If the permit you are searching for is not listed in the results, try again using less criteria.

Effective Date Between
Permit Number Applicant/ Facility County Effective Date Expiration Date Type
MO0101338 Weston Point Resort Condominium Wastewater Treatment Facility Camden Operating
MO0092801 Williamsburg Elementary Callaway Operating
MOGC00767 Windhaven St. Louis Construction
CP0002448 Confluence Rivers-Clemstone Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements Platte Construction
CP0002288 Kirksville Wastewater Treatment Facility Adair Construction
CP0002494 Missouri-American Water Co.-Cedar Hill Lagoon Jefferson Construction
MOGC00776 Blackberry Meadows Subdivision Greene Construction
MOGC00753 Missouri Department of Transportation-Maintenance Facility Cass Construction
MOGC00781 Townhomes of Chapel Ridge 3rd Plat Jackson Construction
MOGC00740 Fairview Crossing Phase 1 Clay Construction
CP0002301 Granby Wastewater Treatment Facility Newton Construction
MOGC00763 Nevada Wastewater Treatment Plant Vernon Construction
MOGC00775 Willow Brook Christian Construction
MOGC00762 Grant City West Sanitary Lagoon Worth Construction
MOGC00770 Woodlawn Estates 6th Plat Jackson Construction
MOGC00759 Salem Estates Plat 1 Clay Construction
CP0002465 Central States Water Resources Inc.-Eaglewood Wastewater Treatment Facility Camden Construction
MOGS10646 America's Heartland Packing LLC Warren Operating
MOGC00747 London Manor St. Charles Construction
MOGC00731 Savers Farm Subdivision-Phase 8 Cape Girardeau Construction
MOGC00768 The Falls at Winterset Valley 1601-1613 Jackson Construction
CP0002455 Jefferson County Public Sewer District-Yorktown Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Jefferson Construction
MO0118052 Baker Subdivision Wastewater Treatment Facility Callaway Operating
MO0103691 Bruche and Nachas Wastewater Treatment Facility Franklin Operating
MO0001821 CF Industries Distribution Facilities LLC-Palmyra Terminal Marion Operating
MO0128091 Highlandville Wastewater Treatment Facility Christian Operating
MO0046647 Missouri-American Water Co.-Garden City Wastewater Treatment Facility Cass Operating
MO0040142 Pevely Wastewater Treatment Plant Jefferson Operating
MO0126381 Quail Run Mobile Home Park Wastewater Treatment Facility Lincoln Operating
MO0119954 Raymondville Wastewater Treatment Facility Texas Operating
MO0022098 Republic Wastewater Treatment Facility Greene Operating
MO0125202 Rolling Hills Subdivision Wastewater Treatment Facility Johnson Operating
MOGS10649 Sang Dum and Kil Khen Newton Operating
MO0129232 Smokers' Outlet Inc. Wastewater Treatment Plant Marion Operating
MO0085936 Tower Mobile Home Park Wastewater Treatment Facility Callaway Operating
MOGC00760 Nevada Wastewater Treatment Plant Vernon Construction
MOGC00765 Southwest Missouri Rail and Business Park Phase 3 Greene Construction
CPSE01111 Little Blue Valley Sewer District-Middle Big Creek Phase 2 Interceptor Project Cass Construction
MOGC00757 Boone Ridge Manor Warren Construction
CP0002474 Missouri-American Water Co.-Maple Leaf Wastewater Treatment Facility Callaway Construction
MOGC00732 Oasis at Lakeport Miller Construction
CP0002436 Republic Wastewater Treatment Plant Greene Construction
CP0002490 Viking Valley Association-Lagoon 4 Replaced Daviess Construction
MOGC00755 Jaxson Estates Subdivision Plat 8 St. Charles Construction
MOGC00726 Running Horse Village Lift Station Platte Construction
MOGC00742 West Prairie Lee Jackson Construction
MOGC00735 Steele Wastewater Treatment Facility Pemiscot Construction
MOGC00756 Missouri Department of Natural Resources-Lake of the Ozarks State Park Camden Construction
MOGC00751 Boulder Valley Warren Construction
MOGC00684 Legacy Forest Phase I St. Francois Construction