The following table contains electronic copies of all currently effective site-specific wastewater permits — not master general permits — issued by the department. These facilities have been authorized to either discharge to waters of the state, or to operate a no-discharge wastewater treatment facility. These permits are written to be site-specific, issued to that one location to reflect the unique nature of the wastewater or the receiving water. The list includes Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) permits, stormwater permits, wastewater permits and underground injection control well permits. The permits are consistent with applicable water quality standards, effluent standards or treatment requirements or suitable timetables to meet these requirements (10 CSR 20-7.015 and 7.031).

The department will add each site specific wastewater permit as it is issued. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please submit an Open Records/ Sunshine Law Request.

To sort the table below by field, click on the column headings in the table. You can also enter criteria in the search boxes to search for a specific wastewater permit.

*This is an "and" type search. All search criteria you enter must be met for the permit to appear in the results. If the permit you are searching for is not listed in the results, try again using less criteria.

Effective Date Between
Permit Number Applicant/ Facility County Effective Date Expiration Date Type
MO0090654 Williamsville Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facility Wayne Operating
MO0115959 ABC Branson LLC Taney Operating
MO0111686 Continental Cement Ralls Operating
MO0134791 Emory Creek Ranch Wastewater Treatment Facility Taney Operating
MO0135259 Estates of D'Monaco Wastewater Treatment Facility Stone Operating
MO0034240 Glasgow Wastewater Treatment Facility Howard Operating
MO0028568 Kennett Wastewater Stabilization Lagoon Dunklin Operating
MO0130427 Laclede County Public Water Supply District No. 3-Hickory Hills Wastewater Treatment Plant Laclede Operating
MO0089630 Meramec Valley Campground Wastewater Treatment Facility Crawford Operating
MO0049590 Red Maples Mobile Home Community Wastewater Treatment Facility Callaway Operating
MO0114464 River Downs West Subdivision Wastewater Treatment Facility Christian Operating
MO0091375 Rosebud South Lagoon Wastewater Treatment Facility Gasconade Operating
MO0106348 Russellville Wastewater Treatment Facility Cole Operating
MO0116564 Savannah Heights Wastewater Treatment Facility Taney Operating
MO0138525 TCRSD-Lakeway Village Wastewater Treatment Facility Taney Operating
MO0114251 5-81 Motel Park and Apartments Wastewater Treatment Facility Camden Operating
MO0136409 Anaconda School Sewage Treatment Plant Franklin Operating
MO0050598 Birch Tree Wastewater Treatment Facility Shannon Operating
MO0112534 City of Goodman Wastewater Treatment Facility McDonald Operating
MO0138185 Country Meadows Estates LLC Wastewater Treatment Facility Butler Operating
MO0124338 Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland-Silver Meadows Camp Wastewater Treatment Facility Boone Operating
MO0099287 Gower Wastewater Treatment Facility Buchanan Operating
MO0109002 Holt Wastewater Treatment Facility Clay Operating
MO0136948 Honeywell Performance Materials and Technologies Boone Operating
MO0105902 Missouri Division of Youth Services-Delmina Woods Regional Facility Wastewater Treatment Plant Christian Operating
MO0088986 Missouri-American Water Co.-Lake Carmel Lagoon Wastewater Treatment Facility Cole Operating
MO0039012 Missouri-American Water Co.-The Highlands Wastewater Treatment Facility Callaway Operating
MO0105694 Nodaway Nursing Home Wastewater Treatment Facility Nodaway Operating
MO0128104 Red Creek Estates Wastewater Treatment Facility Callaway Operating
MO0049484 Royal Oaks Manufactured Housing Community Wastewater Treatment Facility Cole Operating
MO0113549 Spring Bluff R-15 School District Wastewater Treatment Facility Franklin Operating
MO0002666 Sugar Creek Mines and Cement Plant Jackson Operating
MO0125393 Timberlake Estates Wastewater Treatment Facility Cooper Operating
MO0025259 Waverly Wastewater Treatment Facility Lafayette Operating
MO0108600 Zeller Marine Wastewater Treatment Facility Cooper Operating
CP0002063 Bloomfield Wastewater Treatment Facility Stoddard Construction
MO0117366 Adventures in Learning Childcare Center Wastewater Treatment Plant Boone Operating
MO0107506 Black Oak Landfill Wright Operating
MO0023272 California South Wastewater Treatment Plant Moniteau Operating
MO0139386 Casino Kansas City Jackson Operating
MO0108472 Conservation Chemical Co.-Groundwater Treatment Facility Jackson Operating
MO0129631 Faith Family Fellowship Church Wastewater Treatment Facility Howard Operating
MO0098663 Gilman City Wastewater Treatment Facility Harrison Operating
MO0114375 Jefferson City Landfill Cole Operating
MO0110493 Jost Trailer Park Wastewater Treatment Facility Crawford Operating
MO0139297 Mid-States Specialty Eggs Pettis Operating
MO0123099 Missouri-American Water Co.-Timber Springs Estates Wastewater Treatment Facility Clinton Operating
MO0117480 New Cedar City Wastewater Treatment Facility Callaway Operating
MO0107913 Oak Bluff Condominiums Wastewater Treatment Facility Camden Operating
MO0121525 Opie's Transport Inc. Miller Operating