Abandoned machinery used to spread the sludge at the Camdenton Sludge Disposal Area during the application activities from December 1989 through March 1990.
Abandoned machinery used to spread the sludge at the Camdenton Sludge Disposal Area during the application activities from December 1989 through March 1990.

The Camdenton Sludge Disposal Area site is located at 20 Airport Drive, in Camdenton. The site is an open field where the city of Camdenton applied sludge from the closure of City Lagoon #3 in 1989. From 1961 to 1989, City Lagoon #3 received industrial wastewater from the 221 Sunset Drive manufacturing facility. The wastewater contained chromium, copper, zinc and trichloroethylene (TCE)(link is external), also referred to as trichloroethene. The sludge was applied to an open field north of Forbes Road, at the end of the runway at the Camdenton Memorial Airport.

Based on the TCE contamination documented at City Lagoon #3, there was concern the sludge disposed near the airport could pose a risk to nearby residents, if TCE was released into the groundwater. In 1999, the department investigated the Camdenton Sludge Disposal Area site to determine whether the sludge applied at the airport contained TCE, which could have been released into the environment. Samples collected by the department did not detect TCE in the sludge material, surrounding soil or drinking water. In 2017, the department conducted additional follow-up drinking water well sampling in the airport area. The findings confirmed there have been no impacts to groundwater, and no further investigation is planned for this site at this time.