The Missouri Nonpoint Source Management Symposium is a workgroup made up of representatives from state, federal, local, nonprofit and private partners and stakeholders. The symposium was created to advance nonpoint source pollution management goals in Missouri. The symposium's particular focus is on making and tracking progress in achieving goals outlined in Missouri’s Nonpoint Source Management Plan. Symposium partners have the opportunity to share ideas and look for expertise from colleagues across organizational boundaries.
Unless otherwise announced, meetings are held three times per year, normally during January, April and August. These meetings are open to everyone. Attendance at these meetings may be in person, by conference call or through Webex. The department will attempt to correct technical difficulties as they arise, but the department cannot guarantee the quality of the Webex or conference call option. The meeting will not be subject to change or repeat due to any technical difficulties.
If there are issues you would like to discuss during the meeting, you will need to notify the department before the meeting. You can do this by emailing the staff coordinator noted below. Individuals requiring special services or accommodations in order to attend a meeting can make arrangements by contacting the staff coordinator at least 48 hours before the meeting. Hearing- and speech-impaired individuals may contact the staff coordinator through Relay Missouri at 800-735-2966. Translation or interpretation services will be provided upon request at no charge. Call 573-522-9395 for assistance.
Staff Coordinator: Laura Richardson, Water Protection Program, modnr.npsprogram@dnr.mo.gov, 573-751-5723.