At one time, Missouri was the global leader in lead production. Even today some of the largest lead deposits in the world are located in southeast Missouri. Over the years, the department put together a Missouri Lead Mining by Districts Map, showing the inventory of mines, occurrences and prospects in Missouri. For more information about lead in Missouri, including sites, active mining, history and much more, visit the department's Lead in Missouri webpage.
Listed below are Missouri lead mining sites currently on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Superfund: National Priorities List.
- Annapolis Lead Mine, Iron County
- Big River Mine Tailings/ St. Joe Minerals, St. Francois County
- Madison County Mines, Madison County
- Newton County Mine Tailings, Newton County
- Oronogo-Duenweg Mining Belt, Jasper County
- Southwest Jefferson County Mining, Jefferson County
- Washington County District - Furnace Creek, Washington County
- Washington County Lead District - Old Mines, Washington County
- Washington County Lead District - Potosi, Washington County
- Washington County Lead District - Richwoods, Washington County