Both the department and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are responsible for regulating and overseeing various activities at facilities that treat, store or dispose hazardous waste in Missouri. For information about facilities that generate or store hazardous waste for less than 90 days, visit Hazardous Waste Generator Lists. For information about companies that only transport hazardous waste, visit Hazardous Waste and Infectious Waste Transporters. The information below pertains to facilities that actively treat, store (for more than 90 days) or dispose hazardous waste. For a list of hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities that accept off-site hazardous waste, review our fact sheet Missouri Commercial Hazardous Waste Facilities - PUB0968.
Listed below are all facilities actively treating, storing (for more than 90 days) or disposing hazardous waste in Missouri. The department oversees the facility's construction, operation and closure activities to make sure the company follows state and federal laws and regulations. We ensure the company conduct all these activities in a way that protects human health and the environment. You can “click” on the facility’s name for more information about the facility and the hazardous waste permit(s) the facility is regulated under. These facilities are also included in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Envirofacts database, which provides information about environmental activities that may affect air, water or land anywhere in the United States.
You may call or write the department to have your name placed on the mailing list for any facility listed below. By doing this, you will receive written notice from the department or the facility regarding any major permitting and cleanup activities for that facility. If you have questions about a specific facility, or would like your name added to a facility mailing list, please contact the department’s Waste Management Program.