Former Facility Name
Safety-Kleen Corp.
Last Updated
Facility Physical Address

4526 Towne Court
Lot 22
St. Charles, MO 63304-7343
United States

St. Charles
MoDNR Contact Name
Abby Sawyer
MoDNR Contact Phone
MoDNR Contact toll free number:
MoDNR Contact Email
Facility Contact(s)
Clean Harbors Environmental Services Inc.
Facility Contact Name
Paul Andrews
Facility Contact Phone Number

Permanent Hard Copy Location(s)

Location of hard copies of regulatory mechanism(s) and any modifications, reports and other supporting documents.

Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Elm Street Conference Center, Jefferson City, MO 65102 (Submit a Sunshine Law Request to review or obtain copies of the department's files.)

No EPA Hardcopy Location.


Background/ History

Safety-Kleen operates a commercial hazardous waste storage facility at this site, located at 4526 Towne Court, Lot 22, in St. Charles. Since 1975, this facility has been a temporary accumulation point for spent solvents, paint wastes, lacquer thinner wastes and waste oil produced by Safety-Kleen customers. The majority of Safety-Kleen’s customers are small quantity generators. Safety-Kleen also stores other types of wastes on a 10-day transfer basis. Safety-Kleen is certified to handle most hazardous waste, other than dioxin or polychlorinated biphenyl’s (PCBs) greater than 50 parts per million. Once a sufficient quantity of materials is collected in containers and tanks, the hazardous waste is shipped to a Safety-Kleen recycling facility or a contract reclaimer for processing.

Safety-Kleen operate under two hazardous waste permits, one issued by the department and one issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), originally issued in 1993, and reissued Sept. 27, 2007. The department issued the Missouri Hazardous Waste Management Facility Part I Permit. EPA issued the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments Part II Permit.

Cleanup Summary

The permits issued to the Safety Kleen St. Charles facility require corrective action in the event there is a release of hazardous waste or hazardous constituents to the environment. Former underground storage tanks were found to be contaminating soil and groundwater. By May 1997, the residual contamination was low and department determined that the site does not pose any unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. From 1998 to 2007, groundwater monitoring for only volatile organic compounds was conducted twice a year. An enhanced bioremediation pilot test was put in place in 2004, with overall positive results. In May 2006, the department approved a full-scale enhanced bioremediation project. Safety-Kleen currently is monitoring the groundwater and planning additional enhanced bioremediation activities.


Coming Soon!

Closure & Cleanup

Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Listed below are the currently effective regulatory mechanism(s) and any modifications, institutional controls and any supporting documents regarding this property that the department currently has available in electronic form. The department realizes some of the electronic files can be quite large, which may result in long download times for individuals with slow internet connections. If you have any problems accessing these documents, please contact the department’s Waste Management Program by telephone at 573-751-5401 or 800-361-4827, or by email at

You can review printed copies of all regulatory agreements, reports and other supporting documents at the department’s Elm Street Conference Center in Jefferson City, Missouri. To review or obtain copies of the department’s files, please submit a Sunshine Law Request.

Regulatory Agreement