This electronic bibliography brings together the nine books that comprise the Bibliography of the Geology of Missouri, published by the Missouri Geological Survey and its predecessor agencies from 1945 through 1972. As such, it includes all bibliographic citations that appear in Volume Second Series numbers 31, 38 and 42 and in Information Circular numbers 18, 19, 21, 23, 24 and 25. The version presented here contains some citations for literature published after 1972, and subsequent versions will contain more as the bibliography is gradually updated. Search options for specific geologic subjects are provided. If you have any comments or questions, contact Patrick Mulvany at
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Title: Report writing manual for the Missouri Geological Survey and Water Resources
Author: Koenig, John W.
Publication: Missouri Geological Survey and Water Resources, Miscellaneous Publication 20, 60 p., September, 1960
Date: 1960
MGS Holdings: Paper; Digital
Call Number: MP-020; MSC-070003
Title: Reports on various counties [geological accounts of Ozark, Wright, Laclede, Pulaski, Phelps, Crawford, Cape Girardeau, Perry, Ste. Genevieve, Jefferson and Clark Counties]
Author: Shumard, Benjamin Franklin
Publication: Missouri Geological Survey, Report of the Geological Survey of the State of Missouri, 1855-1871, p. 189-323, 6 maps, Jefferson City, Missouri, 1874
Date: 1874
MGS Holdings: Paper; Digital
Call Number: PFS-08
Title: Reports respecting mineral deposits in the States of Missouri and Illinois
Author: Shepard, Charles Upham
Co-Author(s): Shepherd, F.
Publication: private publication, 12 p., map, Boston (?), 1840
Date: 1840
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Representative mining industries [statistics in regard to Missouri coal product]
Author: Jones, John A.
Publication: U.S. 11th Census, 1890, p. 386-389, Washington, 1892
Date: 1892
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Representatives of Chovanella, a Devonian charophyte, in North America
Publication: Missouri Division of Geology and Land Survey, unpublished manuscript, 19 p., September, 1958
Date: 1958
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MSC-024757
Title: Reservoirs in the United States
Author: Thomas, Nathan O.
Co-Author(s): Harbeck, G. Earl, Jr.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Supply Paper 1360-A, 99 p., 1956
Date: 1956
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Reservoirs in the United States
Author: Martin, R.O.R.
Co-Author(s): Hanson, Ronald L.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Supply Paper 1838, 115 p., 3 figs., 1 pl., 3 tbls., 1966
Date: 1966
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Residual brown iron ore deposits [with "Trace-element geochemistry by Ralph L. Erickson"] [in] Pratt, W.P., editor, Metallic mineral-resource potential of the Rolla 1o x 2o quadrangle, Missouri, as appraised in September 1980
Author: Miller, Mary H.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 81-518, p. 59, 61-63, 1 tbl., 1981
Title: Residues [conodonts and section descriptions]
Author: Thompson, Thomas L.
Publication: Missouri Geological Survey, Field Notebook NB-1590, 26 p. w/ writing, no date
Date: no date
MGS Holdings: Paper; Digital
Call Number: NB-1590
Title: Residuum and bedrock units, Dent, Reynolds and Carter Counties, Missouri
Author: Williams, James Hadley
Publication: Missouri Geological Survey and Water Resources, unpublished manuscript, 10 p., 4 pls., March, 1954
Date: 1954
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MSC-002227
Title: Resistivity measurements over flint clay deposits
Author: Algermissen, Sylvester Theodore
Publication: Washington University, Master's Thesis, st. Louis, Missouri, 1955
Date: 1955
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Resistivity surveys of Missouri limonite deposits
Author: Meidav, Tsvi
Co-Author(s): Hayes, William C.; Heim, George E.
Publication: Missouri Geological Survey and Water Resources, Report of Investigations 24, 27 p., 16 figs., 4 tbls., 1958
Date: 1958
MGS Holdings: Paper; Digital
Call Number: RI-024
Title: Resource assessment for Mississippi Valley-type base-metal deposits [in] Geology and mineral-resource assessment of the Springfield 1o x 2o quadrangle, Missouri, as appraised in September 1985
Author: Erickson, R.L.
Co-Author(s): Chazin, Barbara
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Bulletin 1942, p. 90-94, 1991
Date: 1991
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MGS Library Stacks
Title: Resources of Missouri
Author: Sanborn, J.W.
Publication: Missouri State Board Agriculture, 17th Report, p. 150-158, 1883
Date: 1883
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Resources of the United States in gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc, [in] Papers on the conservation of mineral resources
Author: Lindgren, Waldemar
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Bulletin 0394, p. 114-156, pls. 6-11, fig. 2, 1909
Date: 1909
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MGS Library Stacks
Title: Resources potential for Mississippi Valley-type base-metal deposits in the Springfield 1o X 2o quadrangle [in] Geology and mineral-resources potential of the Springfield 1o x 2o quadrangle, Missouri as appraised in September 1985
Author: Erickson, R.L.
Co-Author(s): Chazin, Barbara
Publication: Missouri Division of Geology and Land Survey, Open-File-Report, OFR-85-042-MR, p. 51-60, 1985