This electronic bibliography brings together the nine books that comprise the Bibliography of the Geology of Missouri, published by the Missouri Geological Survey and its predecessor agencies from 1945 through 1972. As such, it includes all bibliographic citations that appear in Volume Second Series numbers 31, 38 and 42 and in Information Circular numbers 18, 19, 21, 23, 24 and 25. The version presented here contains some citations for literature published after 1972, and subsequent versions will contain more as the bibliography is gradually updated. Search options for specific geologic subjects are provided. If you have any comments or questions, contact Patrick Mulvany at
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Title: Responsibilities of the Division of Geology and Land Survey Department of Natural Resources
Author: Williams, James Hadley
Publication: Missouri Academy of Science Transactions, vol. 21, p. 11-21, 5 figs., 1987
Date: 1987
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MGS Library Stacks
Title: Restoration of the vertebrate fossil collection of the University of Missouri at Columbia
Author: Katz, Steven G.
Publication: Journal of Paleontology, vol. 50, p. 194-1197, January, 1976
Date: 1976
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MGS Library Stacks
Title: Restudy of conodonts from the Bainbridge Formation (Silurian) at Lithium, Missouri
Author: Rexroad, Carl B.
Co-Author(s): Craig, William W.
Publication: Journal of Paleontology, vol. 45, p. 684-703, pls. 79-82, 2 figs., 1 tbl., July, 1971
Date: 1971
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: RPR-000712; MGS Library Stacks
Title: Results in recent exploration and development in adding to the reserves in the Mississippi Valley and eastern states
Author: Cameron, Francis (Frank)
Publication: Paper presented at Metal Mining Convention, Western Division, American Mining Congress, 4 p., San Francisco, California, September, 20-23, 1948
Date: 1948
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: RPR-001103
Title: Results of geologic investigations in the New Haven, Missouri area, related to the Riverfront Superfund site
Author: Starbuck, Edith
Co-Author(s): Young, Glen
Publication: Missouri Division of Geology and Land Survey, Open-File-Report, OFR-03-100-GS, 35 p., figs., app., 2003
Date: 2003
MGS Holdings: Paper; Digital
Call Number: OFR-03-100-GS
Title: Results of insoluble residue studies of diamond drill cores, West Elvins tract, St. Francois County, Missouri
Author: McQueen, Henry Silliman
Publication: Missouri Division of Geology and Land Survey, unpublished manuscript, 13 p., 1 illustrated, no date
Date: no date
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MSC-062262
Title: Results of spirit leveling Missouri, 1896 to 1909, inclusive
Author: Marshall, R.B.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Bulletin 0439, 48 p. 1 pl., 1911
Date: 1911
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MGS Library Stacks
Title: Results of the New Science Olympiad event "fossils" in Region IV
Author: Berkland, T.R.
Publication: Missouri Academy of Science Transactions, vol. 31, p. 76, 1997
Date: 1997
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MGS Library Stacks
Title: Resume explicatif d'une carte geologique des Etats Unis. [incidental mention to geology of Missouri]
Author: Marcou, Jules
Publication: Society of Geology France Bulletin, tome 12, p. 813, Paris, 1855
Date: 1855
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Resume of St. Peter stratigraphy
Author: Edson, Fanny Carter
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists [AAPG] Bulletin, vol. 19, p. 1110-1130, 1935
Date: 1935
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Review of geologic factors affecting underground limestone mining in the U.S. and an overview of underground limestone mining in Nebraska, [in] Proceedings of the 38th forum on the geology of industrial minerals, St. Louis, Missouri, April 28-May 3, 2002
Author: Joeckel, R.M.
Publication: Missouri Geological Survey and Resource Assessment Division, Report of Investigations 74, p. 131-155, 11 figs., 1 tbl., 2004
Date: 2004
MGS Holdings: Paper; Digital
Call Number: RI-074
Title: Review of geophysical activity in Kansas through 1956
Author: Hambleton, William W.
Co-Author(s): Merriam, Daniel F.
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Bulletin 127, part 1, 24 p., 2 figs., 1 tbl., August 15, 1957
Date: 1957
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MGS Library Stacks
Title: Review of history and development of Missouri Geological Survey, assigned agencies and successor associations in Missouri State Government, Executive Branch, 1853-1989
Author: Howe, Wallace B.
Publication: Missouri Division of Geology and Land Survey, draft document, 34 p., October 13, 1989
Date: 1989
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MSC-070059
Title: Review of Ordovician algae, [in] Studies of Ordovician algae
Author: Johnson, J. Harlan
Publication: Colorado School of Mines Quarterly, vol. 56, p. v-vii, 1-101, pls. 1-39, April, 1961
Date: 1961
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Review of Ordovician pelecypods [shows specimen from Cotter Dolomite in Cedar County, Missouri]
Author: Pojeta, John, Jr.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 0695, iv+46 p., 20 pls., 9 figs., 2 tbls., 1971
Date: 1971
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MGS Library Stacks
Title: Review of paper by Dake and Bridge, on initial dips peripheral to resurrected hills
Author: Powers, Sidney
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists [AAPG] Bulletin, vol. 12, no. 12, p. 1171-1172, December, 1928
Date: 1928
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Review of petrographic studies of bed material, Mississippi River, its tributaries and offshore areas of deposition
Publication: U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Technical Report 3-436, 37 p., June, 1956
Date: 1956
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Review of Phacopid trilobites of North America, by Delo, D.M., 1940
Author: Weller, J. Marvin
Publication: Journal of Paleontology, vol. 15, p. 696-699, November, 1941
Date: 1941
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MGS Library Stacks
Title: Review of reports of the Geological Survey of the State of Missouri, 1855-1871
Author: Broadhead, Garland Carr
Publication: Geological Magazine, vol. 1, New Series, p. 368-369, 1874
Date: 1874
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Review of Stratigraphy of the eastern and central United States, by Charles Schuchert, 1943
Author: Weller, J. Marvin
Publication: Journal of Paleontology, vol. 18, p. 220-221, March, 1944