This is a regularly scheduled Nonpoint Source Management Symposium meeting. During this meeting the department will provide information to those who would like to learn more about Section 319 Nonpoint Source Subgrant funding.
Attendance at this meeting may be attended in person, by conference call or through Webex using the access information below.
Meeting Number (access code): 2864 712 9414
Meeting Password: DNR
Call-in Number (US/Canada): 650-479-3207*
*This is not a toll-free number. Any charges that may occur from this option are the responsibility of the participant.
Notice: This public meeting may be subject to audio and video recording. The department will attempt to correct technical difficulties as they arise, but the department cannot guarantee the quality of the Webex or conference call option.
Under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources offers subgrants intended to help restore and protect waters that have been impaired or threatened by nonpoint source pollution. The application period for Section 319 Nonpoint Source Subgrants is currently open until May 1, 2025. The current request for proposals is for watershed-based plan implementation projects only. Cities, municipal and county governments, regional planning commissions/councils of government, state agencies, non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations, higher education institutions and soil and water conservation districts are eligible to apply for the grant funding. For more information, review the Section 319 Nonpoint Source Subgrant public notice below.