As a facility owner, there are many different regulations with which to comply. Below is information about the air regulations that we hope you find helpful. If you have any questions regarding these regulations, contact your local department office.
The department recommends you inspect your facility at least once a week for an average facility, more for higher throughput facilities. It is also recommended that you inspect your Stage I vapor recovery equipment after every delivery as you may be held responsible for any damage to or neglect of the equipment.
Department Inspections
Periodically, your local office inspectors will inspect your station. They typically will look at all of your equipment, and they may ask to see your record keeping. When finished, the inspector should discuss their findings with you and give you a copy of the inspection report.
Gasoline Deliveries
While it is mostly the responsibility of the delivery vessel driver to conduct gasoline deliveries in compliance with Missouri regulations, the facility may be held responsible as well. See the Delivery Vessels web page for more information regarding gasoline delivery compliance.
Facility Testing
The department recommends that all facility testing be done by a third-party contractor due to the special equipment and specific test methods required for each test type. For additional information, see the appropriate vapor recovery rule or contact your local department office.
Kansas City Area (Clay, Jackson and Platte counties)
Unless otherwise exempt, the most recent amendment to 10 CSR 10-2.260 requires owners/operators of gasoline storage tanks with capacities greater than 2,000 to pass a pressure decay test and a pressure/vacuum valve test at the time of installation. Thereafter, the owner/operator must pass a pressure decay test once every six years and a pressure/vacuum valve test once every three years. Notification at least seven days in advance of testing is required to allow an observer the opportunity to be present. All results should be sent to the appropriate local office no later than 14 days following completion of the testing.
Owners/operators of any gasoline storage tank between 250 gallons and 2,000 gallons pressure/vacuum valve are no longer be required to pass a pressure/vacuum valve test under the amendment.
Missouri performance testing evaluation procedures (MOPETP) are no longer approved methods for compliance. Please click the links below for the department approved pressure decay test and pressure/vacuum valve test methods.
- Vapor Recovery Test Procedure TP-201.3 Determination of 2 inch WC Static Pressure Performance of Vapor Recovery Systems of Dispensing Facilities - California Environmental Protection Agency's Air Resources Board
- Vapor Recovery Test Procedure TP-201.1E Leak Rate and Cracking Pressure of Pressure/Vacuum Vent Valves - California Environmental Protection Agency's Air Resources Board
St. Louis Area (Franklin, Jefferson, St. Charles and St. Louis Counties and the City of St. Louis)
Unless otherwise exempt, the most recent amendment to 10 CSR 10-5.220 requires owners/operators of gasoline storage tanks between 1,000 gallons and 40,000 gallons, with new Stage I vapor systems or Stage I vapor recovery systems that are completely replaced, to conduct a pressure decay test and a pressure/vacuum valve test within 30 days of construction completion. Testing is not required following partial modifications to Stage I vapor recovery system or as a result of breaking concrete near a Stage I vapor recovery system. Thereafter, owner/operators must pass a pressure decay test and a pressure/vacuum valve test at least once every three years. A notification of at least seven days prior to the test date is required in order to allow an observer to be present. The results must be provided to the department within 14 days of the test event.
Please click the links below for the department approved pressure decay test and pressure/vacuum valve test methods.
- Vapor Recovery Test Procedure TP-201.3 Determination of 2 inch WC Static Pressure Performance of Vapor Recovery Systems of Dispensing Facilities - California Environmental Protection Agency's Air Resources Board
- Vapor Recovery Test Procedure TP-201.1E Leak Rate and Cracking Pressure of Pressure/Vacuum Vent Valves - California Environmental Protection Agency's Air Resources Board
St. Louis Area (Franklin, Jefferson, St. Charles and St. Louis counties and the City of St. Louis)
Unless otherwise exempt, under the most recent amendment to 10 CSR 10-5.220, construction notifications are required for new installations, complete replacements, and partial modifications of Stage I vapor recovery systems. All work described in the notification must be completed within 180 days of the department receiving the notification. The currently approved Vapor Recovery System Construction and Test Notification Form MO 780-2522 is available online. A passing department approved pressure/vacuum valve and pressure decay test is required following a new installation or a complete replacement of a Stage I vapor recovery system within 30 days of construction completion.
Reid Vapor Pressure
Kansas City Area (Clay, Jackson and Platte counties)
10 CS R 10-2.330, Control of Gasoline Reid Vapor Pressure, was rescinded by the Missouri Air Conservation Commission effective Sept. 30, 2020. 10 CSR 10-2.330 prohibited the selling, dispensing or transporting of gasoline exceeding 7.0 psi Reid Vapor Pressure (or 8.0 psi if the gasoline blend was 9-10% ethanol) from June 1 through Sept. 15 each year in Clay, Platte and Jackson counties. The department had recommended rescission based on the Kansas City area attaining all federal ozone standards and the department's evaluation showing rescission will not interfere with the continued maintenance of any ozone standard or attainment of the 2015 ozone standard. Even though Missouri rescinded its state rule, the Reid Vapor Pressure requirement remained federally enforceable until EPA removed the rule from the State Implementation Plan found in 40 CFR Part 52. The EPA approved the department’s request to remove the rule from the State Implementation Plan effective April 12, 2021. As a result, the Reid Vapor Pressure requirements in the Kansas City area are no longer required. The State of Kansas worked through a similar process for the Kansas City, Kansas area. If you have any questions about these changes, please call the department’s Air Pollution Control Program at 573-751-4817 or the Kansas Department of Health and the Environment at 785-296-0910 or 785-296-1551.
St. Louis Area (Franklin, Jefferson, St. Charles and St. Louis counties and the City of St. Louis)
Gasoline facilities in the St. Louis area must sell reformulated gasoline, which is part of a federally regulated program.