Both Kansas City (Clay, Jackson and Platte counties) and St. Louis (St. Louis City and Jefferson, St. Charles, Franklin and St. Louis counties) area regulations generally require Stage I vapor recovery on large capacity gasoline storage tanks and gasoline loading racks. In addition, all delivery vessels loading or unloading at subject facilities must be equipped with Stage I vapor recovery and have a current, and passing, EPA Method 27 Tank Tightness Test. Visit Delivery Vessels for more information regarding compliance requirements.
The requirements for low throughput exemptions for bulk plants changed under the 2019 amendments to 10 CSR 10-5.220 “Control of Emissions During Petroleum Loading, Storage and Transfer” 10 CSR 10-2.260 “Control of Emissions During Petroleum Loading, Storage and Transfer.” Under the amendments, if a bulk plant has an average monthly throughput of less than 120,000 gallons, the plant is eligible for a low throughput exemption from specific requirements of Stage I vapor recovery regulations on its loading rack and outgoing delivery vessels. The amendments require tracking of the gasoline throughputs; however, an annual request to the department is not required. A department approved throughput tracking form is available at Gasoline Distribution Facilities Low Throughput Exemption Form 10 CSR 10-5.220 and 10 CSR 10-2.260 MO 780-1528. The form must be made available to the department upon request. Additionally, the amendments do not permanently prohibit bulk plants from qualifying for the exemption after exceeding the low throughput criteria.