Click on the image to access online locational data for air facilities and air quality monitoring sites.

The following table contains electronic copies of air permit applications that the department has received and currently is reviewing. The list includes applications for construction permits, also called new source review permits, operating permits and permit-by-rule permits. An application is considered pending from the date it is received until it is closed. An application is closed when the permit is issued, the application is denied or the application is withdrawn by the applicant.

This table can be sorted by field (except city, county) by clicking on the column heading. You can also enter criteria in the search boxes* to search for a specific air permit application.

*This is an "and" type search. All search criteria you enter must be met for the permit application to appear in the results. If the permit application you are searching for is not listed in the results, try again using less criteria.

Facility Site ID City, County Permit Type Application Number/ ID Application Administratively Complete
Valicor Environmental LLC 510-1838 St. Louis,
St. Louis (city)
Briggs and Stratton LLC 023-0038 Poplar Bluff,
Operating Permit: Intermediate 2024-08-009
AECI New Madrid 143-0004 New Madrid,
New Madrid
Operating Permit: Part 70 2024-08-014
Univar Solutions USA LLC 510-1423 St. Louis,
St. Louis (city)
Construction Permit: De Minimis 2024-08-008
Quaker Windows & Doors 131-0046 Eldon,
Construction Permit: De Minimis 2024-07-048
SRG Global-Portageville 143-0015 Portageville,
New Madrid
Operating Permit: Part 70 2024-06-045
ICL Specialty Products 510-3046 St. Louis,
St. Louis (city)
Construction Permit: Minor 2024-07-051
Texas Eastern Transmission Corp. 201-0099 Oran,
Operating Permit: Part 70 2024-08-001
Shamrock Cabinet & Fixture Corp.-Raytown 095-0203 Raytown,
Construction Permit: De Minimis 2024-07-038
Waterloo Industries 159-0012 Sedalia,
Operating Permit: Part 70 2024-07-043
O'Fallon Casting LLC 183-0077 O'Fallon,
St. Charles
Operating Permit: Intermediate 2024-08-012
Martin Rice Company Bernie,
Construction Permit: De Minimis 2024-07-010
Moberly Natural Crush LLC 175-0076 Moberly,
Construction Permit: De Minimis 2024-07-009
SRG Global-Portageville Applicability Determination 143-0015 Portageville,
New Madrid
No Permit Required 2024-06-040
University of Missouri-Columbia 019-0041 Columbia,
No Permit Required 2024-07-016
Alberici Construction Co. 510-1642 St. Louis,
St. Louis (city)
Operating Permit: Intermediate 2024-07-020
DairiConcepts, L.P. 039-0003 El Dorado Springs,
Operating Permit: Part 70 2024-07-008
Beck's Hybrids 143-0089 Howardville,
New Madrid
Construction Permit: De Minimis 2024-07-001
Sullivan Precision Metal 071-0131 Sullivan,
Operating Permit: Intermediate 2024-07-012
Whiteman Air Force Base 101-0009 Whiteman Air Force Base,
Construction Permit: De Minimis 2024-06-031
W.W. Wood Products-Dudley, 2024-06-047 207-0019 Dudley,
Operating Permit: Part 70 2024-06-047
Altec Industries- St. Joseph 021-0078 St. Joseph,
Operating Permit: Intermediate 2024-06-032
FOL Tape-Fenton 189-0315 Fenton,
St. Louis
Operating Permit: Intermediate 2024-06-005
Kansas City International Airport-Aviation 165-2404 Kansas City,
Operating Permit: Intermediate 2024-03-043
Cargill Turkey Production-Butterfield 009-0051 Butterfield,
Construction Permit: De Minimis 2024-05-032
Missouri Cobalt LLC- Madison Mine 123-0031 Fredericktown,
Construction Permit: De Minimis 2024-05-011
Smith Flooring-Mountain View 091-0005 Mountain View,
Operating Permit: Intermediate 2024-05-055
AECI-St. Francis Power Plant 069-0066 Campbell,
Operating Permit: Part 70 2024-03-027
Superior Industrial Solutions-Springfield 077-0228 Springfield,
Operating Permit: Intermediate 2024-05-001
Hubbell Power Systems Plastics Plant-Centralia 019-0038 Centralia,
Operating Permit: Part 70 2024-03-035
TG Missouri Corp.-Perryville 157-0019 Perryville,
Operating Permit: Part 70 2024-03-023
The Boeing Co.-St. Charles 183-0010 St. Charles,
St. Charles
Operating Permit: Part 70 2023-03-044
W.W. Wood Products-Dudley, 2024-03-022 207-0019 Dudley,
Construction Permit: Prevention of Significant Deterioration 2024-03-022
WestRock Converting Co.-Joplin Sheet-fed Press 145-0036 Joplin,
Operating Permit: Intermediate 2024-04-012
AECI-Turney Energy Center 049-0034 Turney,
Construction Permit: De Minimis 2024-04-022
Gateway Aluminum LLC-St. Louis 510-0118 St. Louis,
St. Louis (city)
Operating Permit: Part 70 2024-05-018
Mid-Missouri Mineral Division-Fulton 027-0048 Fulton,
Construction Permit: De Minimis 2024-02-041
Flint Hills Resources-Bethany Station 081-0021 Eagleville,
Operating Permit: Intermediate 2024-03-018
Advanced Metals LLC-Lamar 011-0049 Lamar,
Construction Permit: De Minimis 2024-03-042
Alpha Foundry Co. 219-0050 Wright City,
Construction Permit: De Minimis 2024-01-038