Sewer extension permits are required for gravity and pressure systems over 1,000 feet and projects that include more than one pump station. The department reviews applications to determine that plans and specifications for wastewater collection systems are complete and comply with minimum state design requirements and the proposed construction is acceptable with regard to accepted design standards for wastewater systems to protect the public health and the environment. The project will receive either a MOGC or MOGSE permit depending on the expiration date of the master general permit. Those projects not meeting the conditions of the current MOGC or MOGSE will receive a site-specific sewer extension, CPSE permit.

The department offers a review and approval process for municipalities with standard sewer specifications and details. Municipalities that receive department approval will not be required to submit a copy of their specifications and details with a sewer extension construction permit application. For more information on communities with approved specifications or those communities with Sewer Extension Authority, please see the department’s Sewer Extension webpage.

In accordance with Missouri State law RSMo 644.051.3.(2), sewer extension projects installing up to a total of 1,000 linear feet of gravity sewer or force main with less than two pump stations are exempt from obtaining a construction permit.

You can search the department’s Missouri Clean Water Information System for construction permit applications in process. You can find effective final construction permits.

Length of Permit

Permits are typically issued for two years but can be extended as needed.

Laws, Rules and Regulations

How to Apply


Fact Sheets


  • $300 for all sewer extension permits

Timeline/ Process

One of the most important steps in designing or upgrading wastewater systems is obtaining planning and design services. All engineering reports, plans and specifications must be signed and dated by a professional engineer licensed in Missouri. You can search for a licensed professional engineer in the state of Missouri on the Missouri Division of Professional Registration's Licensee Search.

Qualifications-based selection (QBS) is a recommended process to select an engineering firm based on qualifications and competence relative to the work to be performed. For more information, review the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Missouri's QBS - Important Info webpage.

Once a sewer extension application is received by the department, a preliminary review is completed within the first week to determine if all documents are included with in the application. A complete application includes a properly signed application, an application fee and signed and sealed detailed plans and specifications. The detailed technical review time varies dependent on the complexity of the project and the quality of the submittal. There is a statutory timeline of 60 days to issue a sewer extension permit, however, sewer extension permits are issued in an average of 30 calendar days from receipt of the application. The department will request additional information if the application is not complete, which will delay the review process.

Prior to sewer extension expiration date, the applicant may submit a written request that additional time is needed. The department shall grant reasonable time extensions (10 CSR 20-6.010(5)(H).

Public Participation

Administrative Hearing Commission

Anyone who is adversely affected by the director's decision to issue, deny, suspend or revoke a permit must appeal within 30 days of the decision to the Administrative Hearing Commission as provided by 621.250.3 RSMo. All appeals must be filed by petition and send to:

Administrative Hearing Commission
PO Box 1557
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: 573-751-2422
Fax: 573-751-5018
Website: Administrative Hearing Commission


Applicants seeking a construction permit shall submit an engineering report, signed and sealed by a Missouri registered professional engineer.

As part of the review, the department verifies that the entity has sufficient engineering review capabilities, has defined procedures for review, construction, and inspection of projects done by others and those projects done by the entity, how plans are maintained permanently, and that the entity’s standard plans and specifications meet the minimum requirements in 10 CSR 20-8, specifically the following.

Approved sewer extension authority supervised program entities are responsible to permit, inspect and accept sewer extensions constructed within their municipal boundaries and ultimately discharging to a wastewater treatment facility for which they own and act as continuing authority. With an approved program, the entity may have additional requirements in their state operating permit, such as an annual summary report on the projects undertaken during the previous calendar year.

Entities applying for funding under 10 CSR 20-4, “Grants and Loans” will be required to comply with those requirements in addition to their approved sewer extension authority supervised program.

New sewer extension authority program requests must meet the requirements of 10 CSR 20-6.010(6)(B).

Operator Certification

The use or operation of this facility shall be in accordance with Operator Certification requirements 10 CSR 20-9. Certified wastewater operators perform the daily operational activities at the facility to ensure they are discharging treated wastewater in an environmental safe manner to Missouri’s rivers, lakes and streams. Visit the department’s website to learn more about the Operator Certification program.

Land Disturbance Permit

A land disturbance permit is required if construction will result in the disturbance of one or more acres of land. A Construction Land Disturbance Permit (MO-RA00000) is available through the department’s ePermitting system. A permit fee in accordance with 10 CSR 20-6.011(2)(E) is required. 


Prior to sewer extension expiration date, the applicant may submit a written request that additional time is needed. The department shall grant reasonable time extensions (10 CSR 20-6.010(5)(H).


Visit the department's Sewer Extension Authority Supervision Program to learn more about pending and approved projects.