A water system must obtain a Permit to Dispense from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources before putting newly constructed equipment, facilities or mains into operation, except as exempted in 10 CSR 60-3.010(3)(A). This includes waterline extensions, waterline replacements, drilling a water supply well, constructing a storage tank, adding a disinfection system, changing treatment, building a pump station or other improvements or modifications. Visit Public Water Systems for general information about public water systems and how they are classified.
The department is responsible for reviewing permit applications to ensure adequate water is available, the system is properly designed and to verify that the system or equipment complies with all applicable standards and regulations. Staff also ensure water systems have technical, managerial and financial capacity before issuing a Permit to Dispense.
Permit Length
The permit remains effective for the life of the facility. However, if a facility is no longer in compliance with state and federal regulations, the department can decide to revoke the permit. When problems occur at facilities, the department’s compliance and enforcement staff offer technical assistance and compliance assistance to try resolve the problems as fast and effectively as possible.
Laws, Rules and Regulations
- Federal Law: Federal Safe Drinking Water Act
- State Law: Missouri Safe Drinking Water Law - sections 640.100 to 640.140, RSMo
- Code of State Regulations: Division 60 - Safe Drinking Water Commission, 10 CSR 60, Chapter 3 - Permits
- Commission, Board, Council: Missouri Safe Drinking Water Commission