Every community water system needs an emergency operations plan. When it comes to an emergency, there are steps that should be planned out ahead of time, to reduce potential damaging effects and increase the ability to respond when the emergency occurs.
Model Emergency Operation Plan
The Model Emergency Operation Plan is a tool for all public drinking water systems to help them develop a more comprehensive local emergency plan. The sections provide guidelines of what to do before, during and after emergencies. The appendices, which are not included below, give information about governmental agencies and names and phone numbers of companies that supply chemicals, equipment and other services.
- Emergency Operating Plan for Public Water Supplies: Introduction
- Emergency Operating Plan for Public Water Supplies: Who Does What?
- Emergency Operating Plan for Public Water Supplies: Water Source Emergencies - Groundwater
- Emergency Operating Plan for Public Water Supplies: Water Source Emergencies - Surface Water
- Emergency Operating Plan for Public Water Supplies: Water Treatment Emergencies
- Emergency Operating Plan for Public Water Supplies: Water Distribution System Emergencies
- Emergency Operating Plan for Public Water Supplies: Security Threats
- Emergency Operating Plan for Public Water Supplies: Damage Assessment Forms
- Emergency Operating Plan for Public Water Supplies: Emergency Plan Form
The department's Natural Disaster Assistance for Missouri Citizens: Contact Phone Numbers - PUB0763 fact sheet provides state government agency contacts that are available to help.