Environmental Services Program - lab analysis and more

A certified laboratory must be used for any testing required by the department's Public Drinking Water Branch. Analysis of water samples from private residences or private wells does not have to be done by a certified laboratory. There are other laboratories capable of performing analyses of private water samples in addition to the laboratories included on this list. The other laboratories have chosen not to go through our certification process, but may produce equivalent results if they have adequate quality assurance or quality control in place.

*For a list of microbiological laboratories, visit Certified Microbiological Laboratories.

Laboratory Certification

For information about how to become a certified chemical laboratory, contact the department's Environmental Services Program at 573-526-3315 or email laboratorycertification@dnr.mo.gov

Search Current List of Certified Chemical Laboratories

The below list identifies all laboratories certified by the department to perform drinking water analyses for compliance purposes in the State of Missouri. Laboratories listed as commercial do perform analyses for hire. It is suggested to contact multiple labs for the best pricing for the testing parameters desired.

Download spreadsheet of all Laboratories

When filtering on a testing parameter, start typing the analyte in the field. Any analytes that match will appear in a dropdown box below the field. Please choose the analyte you would like to filter on from the dropdown box.

Begin typing the name of the Analyte; any matches will appear in a dropdown box. Select your analyte from the list.
Name and Address Commercial Contact Information Expiration Date Chemical Testing Parameters
Certificate No: 11010
St. Louis County Department of Public Health-Environmental Health Laboratory
6121 N. Hanley Road
Berkeley, MO 63134
Yes Wayne Wilhelm
Laboratory Supervisor
Copper • Lead
Certificate No: 930
Teklab Inc.
5445 Horseshoe Lake Road
Collinsville, IL 62234
Yes Alicia Verduin
Microbiology Laboratory Supervisor
Antimony • Arsenic • Barium • Beryllium • Cadmium • Chromium • Copper • Cyanide (Free and Total) • Fluoride • Lead • Mercury • Nickel • Nitrate • Nitrite • Selenium • Thallium