On July 10, 1972, there was a fire at Dawson Metal Products' 221 Sunset Drive manufacturing facility. During reconstruction at the Sunset Drive facility, Dawson Metal Products temporarily moved a portion of their operations to a building located at 1225 U.S. Highway 54 in Camdenton, known at the time as the Cox building. This is the site now referred to as the Dawson Metal Products Camdenton Facility #2.
In 2017, the department became aware of allegations by former Dawson employees that waste trichloroethylene (TCE), also referred to as trichloroethene, was disposed out the back loading dock door onto the ground for approximately one year at the Dawson Metal Products Camdenton Facility #2. TCE, a volatile organic compound (VOC), was used in the degreasing operations. From 2017 to 2019, the department performed an investigation at the site. TCE was detected in soil, sub-slab vapor and indoor air at the facility. United Technologies Corp. (UTC), the successor to Dawson Metal Products and responsible party, completed design work and installation of a vapor mitigation system beneath the facility building. In 2018, UTC installed a sub-slab depressurization system at the site to address vapor intrusion risks.
Based on current information, there is no evidence of TCE exposure to Dawson Metal Products Facility #2 building employees above health-based action levels. Ratheon Technologies, who merged with UTC, is conducting additional site characterization activities to further define the extent of TCE contamination from past disposal practices. The property is currently owned by Dickerson Building LLC and occupied by Laker Co.