This electronic bibliography brings together the nine books that comprise the Bibliography of the Geology of Missouri, published by the Missouri Geological Survey and its predecessor agencies from 1945 through 1972. As such, it includes all bibliographic citations that appear in Volume Second Series numbers 31, 38 and 42 and in Information Circular numbers 18, 19, 21, 23, 24 and 25. The version presented here contains some citations for literature published after 1972, and subsequent versions will contain more as the bibliography is gradually updated. Search options for specific geologic subjects are provided. If you have any comments or questions, contact Patrick Mulvany at
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Title: Pollution abatement in the lead mining district of Missouri [presented at 29th Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, Lafayette, Indiana, May 7-9, 1974]
Author: Ryck, Francis M., Jr.
Co-Author(s): Whitley, James R.
Publication: Missouri Department of Conservation, i+8 p., 7 figs., 1974
Date: 1974
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: RPR-001448
Title: Pollution abatement, [in] Mineral and water resources of Missouri
Author: Smith, Jack K.
Publication: Missouri Geological Survey and Water Resources, Volume 43, 2nd Series, p. 342-344, 1967
Date: 1967
MGS Holdings: Paper; Digital
Call Number: V-043
Title: Pollution strips mountain trees
Publication: St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1 p., July 11, 1975
Date: 1975
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MSC-070607
Title: Polyfocal photography of conodonts and other microfossils using petrographic microscopes
Author: Miller, James F.
Co-Author(s): Dattilo, Benjamin F.; Ethington, Raymond L.; Freeman, Rebecca L.
Publication: Annales de Paleontologie, vol. 101, p. 179-184, 2015
Date: 2015
MGS Holdings: Paper; Digital
Call Number: RPR-001842
Title: Polygenesis of a Pleistocene paleosol in southern Iowa
Author: Woida, K.
Co-Author(s): Thompson, M.L.
Publication: Geological Society of America [GSA] Bulletin, vol. 105, p. 1445-1461, 9 figs., 5 tbls., November, 1993
Date: 1993
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: RPR-001914
Title: Polygonal and ring tectonic patterns in the Precambrian and Paleozoic of Missouri, U.S.A.
Author: Amstutz, G. Christian
Publication: Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae [Eclogae Geol Helv], 1959, vol. 52, no. 2, p. 904-913, 3 figs., January, 1960
Date: 1960
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: RPR-000552
Title: Polytypic species and hybridization in Quaternary fresh-water ostracods of North America
Publication: American Society of Civil Engineers, Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, Journal, vol. 89, no. SMI, part 1, p. 67-94, 18 figs., February, 1963
Date: 1963
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Ponding before piracy: Teteseau Flats and the neotectonic origin of the Missouri River, an alternative to glacial ponding
Author: Elfrink, N.M.
Publication: Missouri Academy of Science Transactions, vol. 37, p. 85-86, 2003
Date: 2003
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MGS Library Stacks
Title: Pools and riffles of Powder Mill Cave stream, Shannon County, Missouri
Author: Bagent, Donald
Co-Author(s): Breedlove, Michael
Publication: Missouri Academy of Science Transactions, vol. 7-8, p. 257, 1973-1974
Date: 1974
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MGS Library Stacks
Title: Popular review of ceramics history
Author: Haberman, Marie
Publication: Missouri Resources Museum Mimeograph Bulletin, no. 14
Date: no date
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Population status of the Tumbling Creek cavesnail (Hydrobiidae: Antrobia culveri)
Author: Ashley, D.C.
Co-Author(s): McKenzie, P.; Aley, T.
Publication: Missouri Academy of Science Transactions, vol. 36, p. 85, 2002
Date: 2002
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MGS Library Stacks
Title: Porosity and permeability of various Paleozoic sediments in Missouri
Author: Hoag, William M.
Publication: University of Missouri, Master's Thesis, Columbia, Missouri, 1957
Date: 1957
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Porosity evolution of the Cambrian Bonneterre Dolomite, south-eastern Missouri, USA
Author: Gregg, Jay M.
Co-Author(s): Laudon, Peter R.; Woody, Robert E., Shelton, Kevin L.