This electronic bibliography brings together the nine books that comprise the Bibliography of the Geology of Missouri, published by the Missouri Geological Survey and its predecessor agencies from 1945 through 1972. As such, it includes all bibliographic citations that appear in Volume Second Series numbers 31, 38 and 42 and in Information Circular numbers 18, 19, 21, 23, 24 and 25. The version presented here contains some citations for literature published after 1972, and subsequent versions will contain more as the bibliography is gradually updated. Search options for specific geologic subjects are provided. If you have any comments or questions, contact Patrick Mulvany at
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Title: Ordovician Polyplacophora (Mollusca) from North America
Author: Hoare, Richard D.
Co-Author(s): Pojeta, John, Jr.
Publication: The Paleontological Society Memoir 64 (Journal of Paleontology, vol. 80, supplement), 27 p., 14 figs., 13 tbls., 1 app., May, 2006
Date: 2006
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MGS Library Stacks
Title: Ordovician stratigraphy and correlations in North America
Author: Peterson, J.R.
Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists [AAPG] Bulletin, vol. 45, no. 8, p. 1364-1377, 12 figs., August, 1961
Date: 1961
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Ordovician Stromatoporoidea of North America
Author: Galloway, J.J.
Co-Author(s): St. Jean, J., Jr.
Publication: American Paleontology Bulletins, vol. 43, no. 194, 102 p., 13 pls., May, 1961
Date: 1961
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Ordovician system of the upper Mississippi Valley
Author: Kay, George Marshall
Publication: Kansas Geological Society Guidebook, 9th Annual Field Conference, p. 281-295, 1935
Date: 1935
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Ordovician-Silurian boundary in eastern Missouri
Author: Thompson, Thomas L.
Co-Author(s): Satterfield, Ira R.
Publication: Geological Society of America [GSA], Abstracts with Programs, vol. 3, no. 4, p. 283, February, 1971
Date: 1971
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Ordovician-Silurian boundary in eastern Missouri [presented at Geological Society of America, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1971]
Author: Thompson, Thomas L.
Co-Author(s): Satterfield, Ira R.
Publication: Missouri Division of Geology and Land Survey, unpublished manuscript, 8 p., 1971
Date: 1971
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MSC-041264
Title: Ore and breccia relationships--Magmont mine, Viburnum Trend, SE MO
Author: Alusow, Edward Williams
Publication: Missouri Academy of Science Transactions, vol. 10-11, p. 257, 1977
Date: 1977
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MGS Library Stacks
Title: Ore deposits in the Tri-State zinc and lead district
Author: Fowler, George Malcomb
Publication: Ore deposits as related to structural features, Newhouse, W.D., editor, p. 206-211, 9 figs., including index and isopach maps, 1942
Date: 1942
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Ore deposits in the Tri-State zinc and lead district [in] Newhouse, W.H., editor, Ore deposits as related to structural features
Author: Fowler, George Malcolm
Publication: Princeton, New Jersey, p. 206-207, 1942
Date: 1942
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Ore deposits of the Joplin (Tri-State) region
Author: Smith, William Sidney Tangier
Publication: Geological Society of America [GSA] Bulletin, vol. 054, p. 1827, December 1, 1943
Date: 1943
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MGS Library Stacks
Title: Ore deposits of the Joplin District
Author: Clerc, Frank Laurent
Publication: Colorado Scientific Society Proceedings, vol. 8, p. 199-220, 1906
Date: 1906
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Ore deposits of the Tri-State district [discussion of paper by Fowler, G.M. and Lyden, J.P.]
Author: Dake, Charles Laurence
Publication: American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers [AIME] Transactions, vol. 102, p. 206-251, p. 241-242, 244-245, 1932
Date: 1932
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Ore distribution in the Missouri and Kansas portions of the Tri-State District of Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma, [in] Pratt, W.P. and Goldhaber, M.B., editors, U.S.G.S.-M.G.S. Symposium: mineral-resource potential of the midcontinent
Author: Nuelle, Laurence M.
Co-Author(s): McFarland, Michael C.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 89-169, p. 25-26, 1989
Date: 1989
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MGS Library Stacks
Title: Ore dressing in the Joplin District
Author: Bruce, James L.
Publication: Engineering and Mining Journal, vol. 93, p. 404-409, 459-463, 501-504, 553-555, 1912
Date: 1912
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Ore dressing investigation of oxidized lead ores from Missouri and Illinois
Author: Fine, M.M.
Publication: U.S. Bureau of Mines, Report of Investigations 4301, 10 p., 8 tbls., June, 1948
Date: 1948
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: RPR-001325
Title: Ore evaluation of Rolla, Missouri, area
Author: Weixelman, Dean
Publication: Missouri Division of Geology and Land Survey, unpublished manuscript, 21 p., 1958
Date: 1958
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MSC-024770
Title: Ore genesis
Author: Brown, John S.
Publication: The Hopewell Press, Hopewell, New Jersey, 1948