This electronic bibliography brings together the nine books that comprise the Bibliography of the Geology of Missouri, published by the Missouri Geological Survey and its predecessor agencies from 1945 through 1972. As such, it includes all bibliographic citations that appear in Volume Second Series numbers 31, 38 and 42 and in Information Circular numbers 18, 19, 21, 23, 24 and 25. The version presented here contains some citations for literature published after 1972, and subsequent versions will contain more as the bibliography is gradually updated. Search options for specific geologic subjects are provided. If you have any comments or questions, contact Patrick Mulvany at
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Title: Mines, prospects, and occurrences of metallic minerals and barite, Springfield 1o x 2o quadrangle, Missouri
Author: Wharton, Heyward M.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1830-C, 1 sheet map 1:250,000 scale, 1 sheet tbls., 1987
Date: 1987
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MGS Library Stacks
Title: Mines, prospects, and occurrences of metallic minerals in the Rolla 1o x 2o quadrangle, Missouri
Author: Miller, Mary H.
Publication: U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1005-B, 32 p. explanatory pamphlet, 2 sheets of maps 1:250,000 scale, 1982
Date: 1982
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MGS Library Stacks
Title: Mingling of Pleistocene formations
Author: Shimek, B.
Publication: Geological Society of America [GSA] Bulletin, vol. 023, p. 709-712, 1 pl., December 4, 1912
Date: 1912
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MGS Library Stacks
Title: Mini-remedial investigation of previous waste disposal practices at an industrial facility in Springfield, Missouri
Author: Wexler, B.
Co-Author(s): West, M.; Van Brunt, D.J.; Sheppard, D; Cosper, K.
Publication: Missouri Academy of Science Transactions, vol. 21, p. 162, 1987
Date: 1987
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MGS Library Stacks
Title: Minimum landslide damage in the United States, 1973-1983
Publication: U.S. Bureau of Mines, Information Circular 7345, May, 1948
Date: 1948
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Mining and metallurgy at the St. Louis World's Fair, 1904
Author: Holmes, Joseph A.
Publication: American Institute of Mining Engineers [AIME] Transactions, vol. 33, p. 650-653, 1903
Date: 1903
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MGS Library Stacks
Title: Mining and milling in the Kansas lead and zinc district
Author: Crane, Walter Richard
Publication: Kansas Geological Survey, Volume 8, Part 2, p. 173-386, 1904
Date: 1904
MGS Holdings: Paper (missing)
Call Number: MGS Library Stacks
Title: Mining and milling methods and costs at the Indian Creek Mine, St. Joseph Lead Company, Washington County, Missouri
Author: Christiansen, Carl R.
Co-Author(s): Calhoun, Willis A.; Brown, Walter F.
Publication: U.S. Bureau of Mines, Information Circular 7875, 47 p., 17 figs., 1959
Date: 1959
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Mining and milling methods and costs, Ozark Ore Co. Iron Mountain iron-ore mine, St. Francois County, Mo.
Author: Pettit, Robert F., Jr.
Co-Author(s): Calhoun, Willis A.; Reynolds, Burton M.
Publication: U.S. Bureau of Mines, Information Circular 7807, 46 p., 20 figs., 15 tbls., October, 1957
Date: 1957
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MSC-070853
Title: Mining and milling methods in the southeast Missouri disseminated lead district
Author: Guess, H.A.
Publication: American Institute of Mining Engineers [AIME] Transactions, vol. 48, p. 33-54, 1914
Date: 1914
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Mining and milling of lead and zinc ores in the Missouri-Kansas-Oklahoma zinc district
Author: Wright, Clarence A.
Co-Author(s): Buehler, H.A.
Publication: U.S. Bureau of Mines, Bulletin 154, 134 p., 17 pls., 13 figs., 1918
Date: 1918
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Mining and mineral operations in the north-central states--Missouri
Author: Arundale, Joseph C.
Publication: U.S. Bureau of Mines, p. 60-77, illustrated, 1977
Date: 1977
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MSC-070737
Title: Mining and mineral resources of Missouri [contains historical photos of mines]
Author: Forrester, James D.
Publication: University of Missouri, School of Mines and Metallurgy Bulletin, Technical Series, no. 73, 50 p., 35 figs., Rolla, Missouri, December, 1948
Date: 1948
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MGS Library Stacks
Title: Mining and minerals, in Missouri, its resources, people, and institutions
Author: Forrester, James D.
Publication: Curators of the University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, p. 79-112, 1950
Date: 1950
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Mining and smelting at Granby, Missouri
Author: Perkins, Edwin T.
Publication: Engineering and Mining Journal, vol. 84, p. 388-390, 1907
Date: 1907
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Mining and treatment of lead and zinc ores in the Joplin district, Missouri; a preliminary report
Author: Wright, Clarence A.
Publication: U.S. Bureau of Mines, Technical Paper 41, 44 p., 1913
Date: 1913
MGS Holdings:
Call Number:
Title: Mining boom of the 1890's
Author: Aehle, Edwin H.
Publication: St. Louis Daily Globe-Democrat, p. 9-15, 23-24, September, 1899
Date: 1899
MGS Holdings: Paper
Call Number: MSC-061251
Title: Mining companies listed
Author: Muilenburg, Garrett A.
Publication: Missouri Division of Geology and Land Survey, unpublished manuscript, 14 p., September, 1944
Date: 1944
MGS Holdings: Paper; Digital
Call Number: MSC-020759
Title: Mining costs in the Missouri-Kansas District
Author: Burgess, Charles W
Publication: Mining and Engineering World, vol. 38, no. 17, p. 801-805, April 26, 1913