The department works in many ways to protect Missouri’s water resources. We issue permits, inspect sources of water pollution and analyze water level data. The department provides financial and compliance assistance and, when necessary, enforcement action to address violations of water quality regulations. We work with stakeholders to develop a state water resources plan. We invite you to help us make a difference in protecting Missouri’s water resources. 

Citizens Guide to Water-Related Rules and Regulations
Federal and state regulations written to address water quality and use
Citizens Guide to Water Permits
Permits specify how facilities must operate, monitor and report
Water Financial Assistance Opportunities
Funding for water and wastewater projects, training, water conservation and quality
State Revolving Fund (SRF)
Fund plans, reports, bid opportunities and financial assistance webinars and workshops
Water Initiatives
Gulf Hypoxia, Flooding, NPS, Nutrient Trading, Regionalization and Source Protection
Water Planning
Capacity Development, Water Supply, Water Quality, Impaired Waters, TMDLs
Watershed Planning
Addressing water resource issues on a watershed basis
Water Reports
Drinking water, wastewater, water quality and funding reports
Environmental Geology Assistance
Geology and hydrology assistance including geohydrologic site evaluations
Missouri Water Tracing Laboratory
Groundwater tracing and registration
Public Notices
Provide input on draft permits, plans or rules on public notice
Success Stories
What we're doing with businesses and communities to improve our water
Find a meeting, hearing or event near you
Document Search
Search all department documents in one location for easy access
Laws, Rules and Regulations
State and federal rules governing water; rules in development