Click on the image to access online locational data for impaired water bodies or lakes.

The goal of the federal Clean Water Act, found in U.S. Code 33 U.S.C. §1251 et seq., is "to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Nation's waters." Many organizations throughout Missouri monitor bodies of water across the state. The department combines this data with department-collected data and then determines if the waters meet state water quality standards, which protect the beneficial uses of water. Those waters that fail to meet the standards are listed as impaired.

Under section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act, each state is required to identify waters not meeting water quality standards and for which adequate water pollution controls have not been required. The resulting 303(d) list helps the state keep track of impaired waters not addressed by normal water pollution control programs. Links to Missouri's current and previous 303(d) lists are available below.

Additional Information

Public Notices/ Public Comments

There are no currently active Impaired Waters 303(d) Public Notices/ Public Comments.

Upcoming Meetings

Past Meetings

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Gasconade Camp Conference Room
1101 Riverside Drive
Jefferson City, Missouri

More Info:
Video Recording, July 11, 2024

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Gasconade Camp Conference Room
1101 Riverside Drive
Jefferson City, Missouri

More Info:
No video recording

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Gasconade Camp Conference Room
1101 Riverside Drive
Jefferson City, Missouri

More Info:
Video Recording, April 12, 2024
Additional Materials:
2024-2026 Listing Methodology Document Presentation, April 12, 2024

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Gasconade Camp Conference Room
1101 Riverside Drive
Jefferson City, Missouri

More Info:
Video Recording, March 20, 2024

Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District-Bissell Point Wastewater Facility
Environmental Compliance Auditorium
10 E. Grand Ave.
St. Louis, Missouri
Clean Water Commission Meeting Agenda, July 12, 2023
More Info:
Prospect Lakes and Kinder Farms Variance Public Comment Periods
Proposed Fiscal Year 2024 Clean Water State Revolving Fund Intended Use Plan Public Comment Period, June 7 - July 19
Additional Materials:
Clean Water Commission Meeting Briefing Packet, July 12, 2023

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
LaCharrette/ Nightingale Conference Rooms
1101 Riverside Drive
Jefferson City, Missouri
Clean Water Commission Meeting Agenda, April 12, 2023
Additional Materials:
Clean Water Commission Meeting Briefing Packet (amended), April 12, 2023

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Gasconade Camp Conference Room
1101 Riverside Drive
Jefferson City, Missouri

More Info:
Video Recording, April 3, 2023

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Gasconade Camp Conference Room
1101 Riverside Drive
Jefferson City, Missouri

More Info:
Video Recording, March 21, 2023

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
Gasconade Camp Conference Room
1101 Riverside Drive
Jefferson City, Missouri

More Info:
Video Recording, March 10, 2023

Lewis and Clark State Office Building
LaCharrette/ Nightingale Conference Rooms
1101 Riverside Drive
Jefferson City, Missouri
Clean Water Commission Meeting Agenda (amended), Jan. 11, 2023
Additional Materials:
Clean Water Commission Meeting Briefing Packet, Jan. 11, 2023
Clean Water Compliance and Enforcement Actions Report, Fiscal Year 2022
Clean Water Commission Issued Permits Report, Calendar Year 2022
EPA Review of 2022 Missouri Water Quality Standards

303(d) Lists

Under Code of Federal Regulations 40 C.F.R. 130.7, states are required to submit to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a written methodology document describing the states approach in considering and evaluating existing readily available data and information used to develop its 303(d) list of impaired waterbodies. The department invites the public to review and submit written comments on the draft listing methodology document, before submitting it to the Missouri Clean Water Commission for approval. While EPA does not approve or disapprove the listing methodology document, the department must provide the methodology used during its review of the state’s 303(d) impaired waters list and its determination to list or not to list waters. 

Under 40 C.F.R. 130.7, each state is also required to report the status of their impaired and threatened waters still needing a Total Maximum Daily Load by April 1 of every even-numbered year. Following approval by the Missouri Clean Water Commission, the Section 303(d) list, the 305(b) report and the assessment data on the remaining waters of the state is submitted to EPA as part of Missouri's Section 305(b) Integrated Water Quality Report.

Impaired Waters 303(d) Lists
YearListing Methodology Document303(d) List Waters303(d) De-listed WatersEPA Approval

Draft 2024-2026 Listing Methodology Document, Oct. 9, 2024 - for Clean Water Commission Approval 

Methodology for the Development of the 2024 Section 303(d) List in Missouri - This document will be replaced by the 2024-2026 version above 

2022Methodology for the Development of the 2022 Section 303(d) List in Missouri2022 EPA Approved Section 303(d) Listed Waters2022 EPA Approved Section 303(d) De-list WatersEPA Approval Letter for Missouri's 2022 303(d) List
2020Methodology for the Development of the 2020 Section 303(d) List in Missouri2020 EPA Approved Section 303(d) Listed Waters2020 EPA Approved Section 303(d) De-listed WatersEPA Approval Letter for Missouri's 2020 303(d) List