Under the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets minimum federal requirements for injection practices that protect public health by preventing injection wells from contaminating underground sources of drinking water. The state of Missouri obtained primacy for its underground injection control program from EPA and receives funding from EPA to administer the program.

The department's Missouri Geological Survey has responsibility of coordinating the underground injection control program and for either regulating or remediating Class II and Class V.  Injection wells are used for disposal of fluids by "injection" into the subsurface. The department has divided the injection wells into five different classes.

  1. Class I – wells used to inject hazardous wastes, industrial non-hazardous liquids, or municipal wastewater beneath the lowermost underground sources of drinking water.
  2. Class II – Oil and gas injection wells are regulated by the department’s Missouri Geological Survey through the State Oil and Gas Council.
  3. Class III – Wells used to inject fluids associated with solution mining of minerals beneath the lowermost underground sources of drinking water.
  4. Class IV – Wells used to inject hazardous or radioactive wastes into or above underground sources of drinking water. Class IV wells are banned in Missouri.
  5. Class V - In general, this class of wells inject non-hazardous fluids into or above underground sources of drinking water and are typically shallow, onsite disposal systems. All Class V wells must be registered with the department's Missouri Geological Survey.
    • On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems with Drainfield Disposal – These systems place fluid into the subsurface via a perforated pipe or similar conveyance, excluding single family residences and non-residential systems serving less than 20 persons a day. On-site systems with a discharge of 3,000 gallons per day or more are permitted by the department’s Water Protection Program, while systems with a discharge less than 3,000 gallons per day are permitted by the Department of Health and Senior Services or by county health departments that have adopted by ordinance minimum state standards. 
    • Groundwater Remediation Wells – These wells are used in the cleanup of contaminated sites. Remediation wells involving injection at hazardous waste sites are approved by either the department’s Waste Management or Environmental Remediation program. All other wells are approved by the department's Water Protection Program. Remediation well construction is regulated by the department's Missouri Geological Survey. 
    • Heat Pump and Air Conditioning Return Flow Wells – Groundwater used in an open loop heat pump system can be reinjected through this type of well. Heat pump systems used by more than eight single family residences or rated at greater than 600,000 BTUs per hour are permitted by the department's Water Protection Program. Return well construction is regulated by the department's Missouri Geological Survey.
    • The following Class V well types are permitted by the department's Water Protection Program
      • Mine Backfill Wells – These wells are used to place a mixture of liquid and solid material into subsurface mines.
      • Aquifer Recharge Wells – Aquifer recharge wells are used to maintain hydrostatic pressure around underground storage caverns and have been used to transfer water into the subsurface for storage.
      • Stormwater Drainage Wells – These wells dispose stormwater through infiltration galleries associated with stormwater detention basins.
        Improved Sinkholes – These are sinkholes that have been improved in some way to control the flow of surface water into the subsurface.
    • Class VI – wells used to inject carbon dioxide (CO2) for long-term storage, also known as Geologic Sequestration of CO2. EPA has primacy over these wells. Currently, there are no Class VI wells in Missouri.

Length of Permit

How long is this permit valid??????????

Laws, Rules and Regulations

How to Apply


  • Class V Injection Well Inventory MO 780-1774 - submit this application for all new Underground Injection Control Class V wells or for existing Class V wells not previously inventoried.
  • Form UIC - Application for Class V Permit MO 780-1826 - The applicant must submit the title page of the engineering documents including name and address of the operation, date prepared, name and address of firm preparing the report, seal and signature of the engineer, a statement indicating the project was designed in accordance with 10 CSR 20-8 and completed department application forms.

Fact Sheet


No fees are associated with this permit

Timeline/ Process

Prior to submitting an application for operating a Class V well under the authority of the department's Water Protection Program, the discharger must contact the Missouri Geological Survey to determine the appropriate well construction requirements. Facilities proposing Class V injection well must apply for an operating permit 180 days prior to beginning construction. A pre-application meeting with staff from both offices should be conducted when possible to discuss site-specific construction requirements.

The owner of a Class V well is not required to obtain a permit prior to beginning injection. Class V wells must submit the Class V Injection Well Inventory MO 780-1774 form prior to beginning injection. The form will identify the type of Class V well and the nature of the injection activity. The department will review the application form to determine if the well may endanger a potential drinking water source. The department will request additional information if the application is not complete, which will delay the review process. In rare cases, a Class V well owner may be required to obtain a true permit prior to beginning operation.

Public Participation

Permits are placed on public notice weekly and are available for public review and comment on the department's Water Public Notices website.

Administrative Hearing Commission

Anyone who is adversely affected by the director's decision to issue, deny, suspend or revoke a permit must appeal within 30 days of the decision to the Administrative Hearing Commission as provided by 621.250.3 RSMo. All appeals must be filed by petition and send to:

Administrative Hearing Commission
PO Box 1557
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: 573-751-2422
Fax: 573-751-5018
Website: Administrative Hearing Commission


Subsurface systems discharging industrial wastewater to a leach field are required to register as a Class V underground injection well with the department. These types of systems must be designed by a professional engineer registered in Missouri in accordance with all applicable design regulations, and the facility must be built in accordance with the professional engineer's design.


Permits are issued for up to five years. The permittee must apply for renewal of the permit at least 180 days prior to expiration.


Contact Information