Metallic Mineral Waste Management permit applications are issued to operators by the department under the Metallic Minerals Waste Management Act.
Mineral processing wastes are referred to in the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act as wastes that are generated during the extraction and beneficiation of ores and minerals. These wastes can be subdivided into a number of categories: waste rock, mill tailings, coal refuse, wash slimes and spent oil shale. The mining and processing of mineral ores results in the production of large quantities of residual wastes that are for the most part earth- or rock-like in nature.
A list of permits currently issued for the management and ultimate reclamation of metallic mineral waste is available below. A map viewer also is available to access locational data for these areas.
How to Apply
Applications consist of financial assurance information and detailed waste management area closure and inspection-maintenance plans that must be reviewed and updated every five years. The plans establish and explain the technical steps proposed to accomplish and maintain closure after mining and waste disposal is completed. Issues addressed in the plans include:
- Design and construction of waste control structures and tailings dams
- Characterization of waste products
- Methods for control and protection of surface water
- Methods for protection of groundwater and aquifers
- Geology and seismicity of the area
- Reclamation of the waste disposal areas
- Designated land uses
During the ongoing permit application review, the program coordinates with the other areas within the department that are involved with the metallic minerals waste management areas. These include the department’s Air Pollution Control Program, Water Pollution Control Branch, Waste Management Program, Public Drinking Water Branch, Environmental Remediation Program and Missouri Geological Survey. This coordination process allows other programs to review and comment on the technical aspects of the plans so all environmental issues may be incorporated into the permit.
A processing fee of $10,000 must accompany the filing of the application for a facility or metallic minerals waste management area. An annual fee of $7,500 per facility or metallic minerals waste management are is due when the permit is approved and on each anniversary date thereafter until the determination is made that inspection-maintenance is no longer required.
All sums received through the payment of fees or the forfeiture of bonds pursuant to sections 444.352 to 444.380 RSMo will be placed in the state treasury and credited to the "Metallic Minerals Waste Management Fund."
After appropriations by the general assembly, the money in this fund will be expended for the administration and enforcement of sections 444.352 to 444.380 RSMo and for any other purpose directly related to effective management of remediation of a metallic minerals waste management area. Any portion of the fund not immediately needed for the purposes authorized will be invested by the state treasurer as provided by the constitution and laws of Missouri. All income from such investments will be deposited in the metallic minerals waste management fund. The provisions of section 33.080 to the contrary notwithstanding, moneys in the fund will not lapse to general revenue until the amount in the fund is in excess of $3,000,000, exclusive of the interest and security forfeiture proceeds.
The moneys collected from any forfeiture of a financial assurance instrument will be expended upon the area for which the permit was issued and for which the instrument was given.
General revenue of the state may be appropriated for or expended only for the administration and enforcement of sections 444.352 to 444.380 RSMo.
- Metallic Mineral Waste Management Permit – Permit consists of an Inspection-Maintenance and Closure Plan. Please contact us to apply.
- Surety Bond – Metallic Minerals Waste Management Area MO 780-1598
- Personal Bond Secured by a Certificate of Deposit Metallic Minerals Waste Management Act MO 780-2932
Inspections are performed semiannually on the 10 metallic minerals waste management permit areas within Missouri. During the course of these inspections, all aspects of each company’s permits are evaluated. The main focus of these inspections is to assess the company's compliance with environmental laws administered by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. The program is entrusted as the coordinating agency within the department for each active metallic mineral producer currently operating in Missouri.
Reclamation does not begin at these sites until mineral production is stopped, and mine closure begins. Three of the metallic mineral mine sites are in closure at the present time. Teck American Incorporated, Magmont Mine ceased production in 1995 and began reclamation of the surface effects of almost 30 years of lead mining, processing, and waste disposal. On Dec. 27, 2017, Director Carol Comer released 318 acres of the Magmont Mine, 53 acres remain permitted. Two of The Doe Run Company’s slag storage areas at the former primary lead smelters, Glover and Herculaneum, are also going through closure and being capped with soil material. Clean up and repurposing of these sites is in progress.
Enforcement under this law is significantly different from enforcement under either the coal or industrial minerals units of the program. If it should become necessary to issue a citation to any of the metal producers, the authority to do so rests solely with the director of the Department of Natural Resources. Enforcement is only authorized by law after attempts to eliminate the violation through conference, conciliation and persuasion have been exercised and exhausted.
Report a Problem about Blasting
The Department of Public Safety’s Division of Fire Safety regulates blasting at quarries. They are responsible for the enforcement of the Missouri Blasting Safety Act, including the testing of blasters and to investigate violations of the act. The State Blasting Safety Board, appointed by the governor, has the duty to advise the state fire marshal in the development of application and registration forms, training, examinations, and setting fees for the filing of required applications, registrations and reports; approve or disapprove any examination for licensing of blasters; hold hearings upon appeals and notices of violation; approve any rule proposed by the Division of Fire Safety for the administration; and advise or assist the division in any other matter regarding administration or enforcement. Read more: Who Regulates Blasting at Quarries? - PUB2734.
All questions about blasting should be directed to the Division of Fire Safety by calling them at 573-751-0501. Additional information is available on their website.
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Contact Information
Land Reclamation Program
Missouri Geological Survey
P.O. Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176
United States