Commercial buildings include everything from the corner dry cleaner to hospitals and college campuses to huge data centers and skyscrapers. In Missouri, commercial buildings account for 23.14% of the state’s total energy use. More than 44% of that energy is used for space heating, cooling and ventilation. Reducing energy use in commercial buildings would have a tremendous positive impact on our environment and energy security, and would save money that can be used to help grow businesses. In addition, energy efficiency in commercial buildings creates the need for skilled jobs in construction and technology, such as building crafts, engineers, commissioning agents, energy managers and building operators. Successful energy management depends on a union between technology application and management principles.
- Benefits of Green Building - U.S. Green Building Council
- Better Buildings Initiative - U.S. Department of Energy
- Use of Energy Explained: Energy Use in Commercial Buildings - US. Energy Information Administration
- Building Operator Certification
- Commercial Buildings - U.S. Department of Energy
- Energy Financial Opportunities
- Geothermal Heat Pumps - U.S. Department of Energy
- Green Hotels - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Midwest Industrial Assessment Center (No-cost energy, productivity and waste assessment of your facility) - University of Missouri
- Missouri State Energy Planning (MoSEP) - Missouri Energy Data and Trends - PUB2887
- Small and Medium Sized Office Buildings - Energy Star
- Tax Deductions for Commercial Buildings - Energy Star