Waste Management Program fact sheet
Division of Environmental Quality Director: Kyra Moore

Projects should only be listed upon receipt of Missouri Department of Natural Resources approval of the project.

Note: Projects submitted to the Department of Natural Resources yet to be approved as of the last day of the reporting period should not be included on this worksheet. Completed projects that have board approval of the final report and final accounting should be marked with a “checkmark” to indicate their completion. Any funds remaining are unobligated at this time and should be reflected in Item 12. Carryover Unobligated on future Quarterly Project Financial Summary Reports until obligated for use by another project.

Solid Waste Management District: This is the official name of the Solid Waste Management District. The department recommends the official name of the district appear on each document submitted.

State Fiscal Year: Fill in the state fiscal year for which the report is being submitted.

Cumulative as of: Place a “checkmark” in the box indicating the last day of the reporting period being submitted.

Project Number: In the spaces provided, fill in the number assigned to the project by the district. Attach additional pages if necessary.

Allocation Funding Amount: Fill in the amount of funds from the district’s allocation for which were invoiced by the district and received from the department for use in the project.

Carryover Amount: Fill in the amount of district grant funds previously provided by the Department of Natural Resources and subsequently unobligated from another project for which the district has received Department of Natural Resources for approval to use for this project.

Interest Income: Fill in the amount of interest income the district has received the Department of Natural Resources’ approval to use for the project.

Program Income: Fill in the amount of program income identified by the district or district subgrantee the district has received Department of Natural Resources’ approval to use for the project. This program income would have been identified in the grant application budget.

Total Amount Awarded: This is the sum of columns 2 through 5. This amount does not include any district required match.

Amount Disbursed by the District to Subgrantee: This is the amount of funds disbursed through the last day of the reporting period from the total amount awarded to the project by the district. Funds are disbursed on a reimbursement basis and the district is responsible for verifying and maintaining appropriate supporting documentation for the disbursement.

Program Income: This is program income not originally included in the budget of the project, but collected from project activities used to reduce the district grant share of the total award amount. See Section I.F.2 of the General Terms and Conditions for additional detail.

Award Amount Remaining at District: This is the amount of funds remaining to be disbursed to a subgrantee for a department-approved project.

Balance Total: The sum of the award amount remaining at the district for all projects reported as of the last day of the reporting period.

Interest Income Unobligated: Fill in the amount of interest income held by the district not currently obligated to a district grant project.

Carryover Unobligated: Fill in the amount of district grant funds unobligated that are held by the district and not currently obligated to a district grant project.

Total Funds: This is the sum of Items 10, 11 and 12. The sum of these items should be the reconciled bank account including any investment accounts or certificates of deposit.

Note: The district may submit a copy of bank account and other investment statements to assist in completing the Quarterly Project Financial Summary reconciliation. Account numbers should be marked through prior to submitting to the Department of Natural Resources.

Preparer Signature and Date: The person preparing this document is required to sign and date the report.

For more information