Division of Environmental Quality Director: Kyra Moore
Construction permits are required for the construction of new air pollution sources, or the modification of existing air emission sources, prior to commencement of construction. Under certain conditions a facility may request a waiver, or variance, from this requirement prior to beginning construction in accordance with 10 CSR 10-6.060(1)(C). In order to qualify for a pre-construction prohibition waiver, a facility must meet all of the requirements on the following checklist. In particular, projects subject to section (7) or (8) or (9) reviews, without permit conditions, are not eligible for a waiver. If a pre-construction prohibition waiver is granted, construction on the facility may begin prior to the granting of the permit. Every effort is made to process these waivers in a timely manner.
The company receiving the waiver can not operate the constructed unit until, or unless, a valid permit is issued. In addition, the company receiving a waiver risks the expense and inconvenience of not being able to operate should the department decide to deny the permit.
To process an applicant’s request for a pre-construction waiver the applicant should write a letter or include in their application the following information or statements:
- The applicant acknowledges that the project requested is not or will not be “major” (will not be subject to section (7) or (8) of 10 CSR 10-6.060, or Part C or D of the Act).
- The applicant states that construction at the site has not begun.
- The applicant accepts all liability associated with the possible denial of the permit application.
- The proposed schedule of construction activities has been provided.
- The permit application has been submitted.
Copies of the rules for the Permit Program are available online at the Secretary of State’s website.
For more information
Air Pollution Control Program
Division of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176
United States