This is a regularly scheduled Missouri Hazardous Waste Management Commission meeting and a public hearing on the proposed hazardous waste rule package. Below are links to information about the public comments periods for each proposed regulation amendment:
- 10 CSR 25-3.260 Definitions, Modifications to Incorporations and Confidential Business Information
- 10 CSR 25-4.261 Methods for Identifying Hazardous Waste
- 10 CSR 25-5.262 Standards Applicable to Generators of Hazardous Waste
- 10 CSR 25-7.264 Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities
- 10 CSR 25-7.265 Interim Status Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities
- 10 CSR 25-7.266 Standards for the Management of Specific Hazardous Wastes and Specific Types of Hazardous Waste Management Facilities
- 10 CSR 25-7.268 Land Disposal Restrictions
- 10 CSR 25-7.270 Missouri Administered Permit Programs: The Hazardous Waste Permit Program
- 10 CSR 25-11.279 Recycled Used Oil Management Standards
- 10 CSR 25-12.010 Fees and Taxes
- 10 CSR 25-12.020 Hazardous Waste Compliance Inspection Fees
- 10 CSR 25-16.273 Standards for Universal Waste Management
Attendance at this meeting may be by conference call or through Webex, using the information below. If you choose the Webex or conference call option, please mute your phone or computer so background noise and hold music do not come through and disrupt the discussion.
Meeting number (access code): 2633 021 8549
Meeting password: JRe25HZfVf8
Call-in number (US/Canada): 650-479-3207*
*This is not a toll-free number. Any charges that may occur from this option are the responsibility of the participant.
Notice: This public meeting may be subject to audio and video recording. The department will attempt to correct technical difficulties as they arise, but the department cannot guarantee the quality of the Webex or conference call option. The meeting will not be subject to change or repeat due to any technical difficulties.