This permit authorizes only stormwater discharges from solid waste transfer stations and solid waste recovery facilities, also called recycling or material recovery facilities. Facilities recycling multiple types of materials shall obtain this permit to operate.
If the facility is only recycling wastepaper, the facility may operate under this permit, Textile and Apparel/Printing and Publishing Master General Stormwater Permit MO-R130000 or a site-specific permit. If the facility is only recycling plastic scraps or rubber scraps, the facility shall operate under Plastics and Rubber Manufacturing General Stormwater Permit MO-R23D000 or a site-specific permit.
This permit requires the development and implementation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. When applying for coverage under this permit, a plan including an Alternative Analysis of the best management practices must be developed, implanted and maintained at the facility. Additional information may be found on EPA’s website at Developing Your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, a Guide for Industrial Operators, (Document number EPA 833-B-09-002) published by USEPA in June 2015.
Facilities discharging all effluent, including stormwater, directly to a combined sewer system connecting to a publicly owned treatment works that has consented to receive such a discharge are exempt from stormwater permit requirements. If a facility has no materials exposed to stormwater, the facility may apply for a No Exposure Certification in lieu of stormwater permit coverage. No Exposure Certification Guidance may be found on the department’s website to learn more.
Length of Permit
The department issues this general permit for a five-year period. The effective date is Oct. 1, 2024 and expires Sept. 30, 2029. If a facility applies for and receives this permit on Feb. 5, 2026, their permit will expire Sept. 30, 2029.
Laws, Rules and Regulations
- Federal Law: Federal Clean Water Act
- State Law: Missouri Clean Water Law - Chapter 644, RSMo
- Code of State Regulations: Division 20 - Clean Water Commission, 10 CSR 20
- Commission, Board, Council: Missouri Clean Water Commission