Geological Survey Program
Missouri Geological Survey
P.O. Box 250
Rolla, MO 65402-0250
United States
Missouri Geological Survey
fact sheetMissouri Geological Survey
Director: Carey Bridges, RGA test hole is a type of well drilled to collect geologic information. They are used for the exploration of minerals such as lead, coal, limestone or fireclay. Test holes are also used to gather stratigraphic or structural data that is not associated with an environmental characterization or remediation. Therefore, test holes do not include monitoring wells.
Test holes are temporary and may or may not have casing installed. They range in depth from 10 to more than 1,000 feet. Construction and plugging requirements are set in rule 10 CSR 23-6 to protect groundwater. Test hole plugging must be reported on a test hole plugging registration report. Test hole information is held confidential, by law, for 10 years and can be held confidential for an additional five years if requested by the responsible party.
The department offers a number of services that may be helpful regarding test holes in Missouri.
Nothing in this document may be used to implement any enforcement action or levy any penalty unless promulgated by rule under chapter 536 or authorized by statute.
Missouri Geological Survey
P.O. Box 250
Rolla, MO 65402-0250
United States