Missouri Geological Survey Director: Carey Bridges, RG
Marceline Lake near Marceline is owned by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and funded in cooperation with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. Stage (water-surface elevation) measurements are made and recorded at 15-minute intervals and transmitted to the USGS office every hour. Reservoir water surface elevation values are displayed in near real-time.
Marceline Lake is a drinking water reservoir in Missouri’s Chariton River Hills Subsection of the Central Dissected Till Plains. It releases water in the Slater Branch Creek where the water eventually flows into the Grand River. The lake is named after the city of Marceline, which comes from a Santa Fe Railroad official’s wife’s name, Marcelina.
The streamgage is located on the Marceline Lake dam, an earthen embankment dam southwest of Marceline in Chariton County The streamgage consists of a shelter, a data collection platform and an electronic pressure transducer used to measure the elevation of the lake. Learn how a USGS streamgage works.
Streamgage Information
• Streamgage Drainage Area: 3.68 square miles
• 10-Digit Hydrologic Unit Code: 1028010311
• Area of HUC10 Basin: 185 square miles
• Gage Location: 39°39’40”, -92°59’45” (Chariton County)
• Gage Datum: 730 feet above NAVD88
USGS Tools
- Lake Elevation: April 4, 2007 to present
The Marceline Lake near Marceline streamgage webpage is maintained by USGS. Users are able to create graphs and tables utilizing the recorded parameters, which can be customized to show current and historical observations, daily data, daily statistics, monthly statistics, annual statistics, peak streamflow and field measurements for any time frame within the period of record. A location map and Water-Year Summary also are available. Customize your own data output online.
Why is the Marceline Lake Streamgage near Marceline Important?
The streamgage is used by water resources managers to monitor the water surface elevation and reservoir storage.
In the area, people can enjoy:
• Bird-watching
• Camping
• Fishing
• Floating
• Horseback riding
• Hiking
• Waterfowl hunting
• Hunting
For more information about recreation activities located within the basin, contact the Missouri Department of Conservation.
Figure 3. View of concrete intake.
Figure 4. Earthen embankment.
Figure 5. View of lake and streamgage.
1 References Cited
Adams, Orvyl Guy. "Place Names In The North Central Counties Of Missouri." M.A. thesis., University of Missouri-Columbia, 1928.
For more information
Water Resources Center - Jefferson City
Missouri Geological Survey
P.O. Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176
United States