Missouri Geological Survey Director: Carey Bridges, RG
256.605 RSMo
Number of Members
Number of Members Appointed by the Governor
Is Senate Confirmation Required?
Membership Composition
Four members shall hold valid permits (two of which shall be a water well installation contractor, one shall be a heat pump and a water well installation contractor, and one shall be a monitoring well installation contractor). Four shall be public members (one shall be a public water supply district user and one shall be a private well user). The director of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources or his or her designee shall serve as the ninth member. Each member shall be a resident of the state and be conversant in well drilling, completion and plugging methods and techniques.
Four years and shall continue until their successors have been duly appointed and qualified.
Political Affiliation
Statute does not address this issue.
All members shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses.
Geographic Consideration
Statute does not address this issue.
Responsibilities of the Commission/Members
Adopt and amend rules and regulations pursuant to Chapter 536, RSMo, which may be reasonably necessary to govern the regulation of the water well, heat pump, monitoring well and pump installation industry in Missouri. Set fees by establishing rules that do not substantially exceed the cost and expense of administering the law. Establish rules for contractors subject to disciplinary action against their permit.
Staff Contact
Amber Steele, Geological Survey Program Director, Missouri Geological Survey
PO Box 250
Rolla, MO 65402
Staff Assistant
Connie Edwards, Executive, Missouri Geological Survey
PO Box 250
Rolla, MO 65402
AGO Contact
William Dunker, Legal Counsel
Assistant Attorney General
Missouri Office of the Attorney General
PO Box 899
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0899
Frequency of Meetings and Location(s)
Quarterly, the majority of which are in Rolla. Special meetings may be called when deemed necessary by the department.
Time Expended by Commissioners for Meetings and Preparation Thereof
Four hours for meetings, not including travel time. Approximately four hours for preparation and review of material.
Requirements for Inclusion of Items on Agenda
Submission to Staff Assistant at least four weeks before the meeting for inclusion on the agenda and distribution of information to the board members for review
Public Comment Opportunities at Meetings
Public is welcome to attend meetings and make comments or ask questions. Meetings are posted in accordance with the Sunshine Law. Board adopts and amends rules and complies with all public participation requirements of the rulemaking process.