Hazardous Waste Management Commission fact sheet
Division of Environmental Quality Director: Kyra Moore


Statute 260.365

Number of Members


Number of Members Appointed by the Governor


Legislative Approval

Senate confirmation is required.

Membership Composition

All members shall be representative of the general interest of the public and shall have an interest in and knowledge of waste management and the effects and control of improper waste management. At least four members shall represent agriculture, the retail petroleum industry, the waste generating industry and the waste management industry respectively.


Four years and until successors are selected and qualified.

Political Affiliation

No more than four from the same political party.


Reasonable and necessary expenses including $50 per day for each day spent in a commission meeting.

Geographic Consideration


Responsibilities of the Commission/Members

  • Encourages efforts to recycle, detoxify, incinerate or otherwise treat hazardous waste to be disposed of in Missouri
  • Categorizing hazardous waste by taking into account toxicity, persistence and degradability in nature, potential for accumulation in tissue and other related factors such as flammability,
    corrosiveness and other hazardous characteristics
  • Categorizes wastes by disposal method including, but not limited to, treatment facilities incinerators, landfills, landfarms, storage facilities, surface impoundments, recycling, reuse
    and reduction
  • Regulates underground storage tanks (USTs)
  • Encourages and conducts studies, investigations and research
  • Collects and sends out information and conduct education and training programs
  • Determines fees to be paid to the department by owners or operators of hazardous waste facilities who have obtained or are required to obtain a hazardous waste facility permit
  • Develops standards, rules and regulations to implement, enforce and carry out the provisions of sections 260.350 to 260.430 or as required by a federal hazardous waste
    management act and as the commission may deem necessary, to provide for the safe management of hazardous waste to protect the health of humans and the environment.

Staff Contact

Justin Buckler, Director
Missouri Department of Natural Resources
Environmental Remediation Program
P.O. Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176

Charlene Fitch, P.E., Director
Missouri Department of Natural Resources
Waste Management Program
P.O. Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176

Staff Assistant Contact

Debra Dobson
Missouri Department of Natural Resources
Environmental Remediation Program
P.O. Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176

Attorney General Office Contact

Richard Groeneman
Missouri Attorney General's Office
815 Olive St., Suite 200
St. Louis, MO 63101

Frequency of Meetings and Location(s)

The third Thursday of March, June, September and December in Jefferson City.

Time Expended by Commissioners for Meetings and Preparation Thereof

Meetings take approximately three hours. Preparation time is about eight hours. Travel to and from meetings depends on where the commissioner lives and can be between one to 10 hours per meeting.

Requirements for Inclusion of Items on Agenda

Agenda items are provided to the Staff Assistant. Individuals can request items be put on the agenda up to 14 days before the meeting.

Public Comment Opportunities at Meetings

A public comment period is offered during each meeting.

For more information