The most recent Missouri Department of Natural Resources' news releases may be found below. Be sure to visit the department's main Communications webpage to learn more about our communication resources. If you need additional information, please contact the department's Communications office at 573-751-1010 or 800-361-4827. For Missouri State Parks related topics call 573-751-9392 or 800-334-6946

Current News

News Release Date
Self-guided tours through Civilian Conservation Corps structures at Bennett Spring State Park
Celebrate Earth Day at Roaring River State Park April 20
Crowder State Park offers Toddler Tuesdays this spring
Wallace State Park hosts Easter egg hunt April 20
Hunter-Dawson State Historic Site Hosts Easter egg hunt April 20
Storybook Day at Graham Cave State Park April 20
Egg Hunt at Washington State Park April 14
Potawatomi beadwork demonstration at the Missouri State Museum April 16
McCracken Core Library and Research Center to celebrate 30 years
Nathan Boone Homestead State Historic Site hosts Whitewash Day April 20
Department waives waste disposal and treatment rules to ease flood burden
Battle of Lexington State Historic Site hosts Park Day April 6
Bennett Spring Stream Team hosts water quality event April 13
Roaring River State Park hosts Wildflower Workshop April 7
Annie and Abel Van Meter State Park honors Annie’s legacy
Thomas Hart Benton State Historic Site hosts public information meeting April 14
Rock Bridge State Park and Jewell Cemetery State Historic Site host public information meeting April 13
Clark’s Hill/Norton State Historic Site hosts volunteer work day and public information meeting April 13
Take a spring hike at Bennett Spring State Park April 6 and 20
Arrow Rock State Historic Site presents Native American Art lecturer Rueben Iron Horse-Kent April 6
Missouri State Parks accepts nominations for General Trail Use representative through May 31
Missouri State Parks holds Missouri Trails Advisory Board Meeting April 6
Guided Bison Hike at Prairie State Park April 6
Harry S Truman Birthplace State Historic Site hosts public information meeting April 5
Prairie State Park hosts public information meeting April 6

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