The most recent Missouri Department of Natural Resources' news releases may be found below. Be sure to visit the department's main Communications webpage to learn more about our communication resources. If you need additional information, please contact the department's Communications office at 573-751-1010 or 800-361-4827. For Missouri State Parks related topics call 573-751-9392 or 800-334-6946

Current News

News Release Date
Knob Noster State Park hosts public information meeting Sept. 12
Bothwell Lodge State Historic Site hosts public information meeting Sept. 12
Roaring River State Park to host storyteller Fran Stallings Sept. 7
Washington State Park hosts annual Archaeology Day event Sept. 14
Nathan Boone Homestead State Historic Site hosts Fall Rendezvous and Luminary Tour Sept. 14
Battle of Pilot Knob State Historic Site hosts Dinner Outdoors Dutch oven cooking demonstration Sept. 14
Department of Natural Resources approves $40,000 wastewater system evaluation grant to city of Diamond
Department of Natural Resources welcomes the Division of Energy
Department of Natural Resources approves $50,000 grant to city of Linn for wastewater collection system evaluation
Dog talent show, bike parade and snack making on tap at St. Francois State Park Labor Day weekend
Heritage Environmental Receives Final Hazardous Waste Permit to Continue Managing Hazardous Waste
Robertsville State Park hosts public information meeting Sept. 7
Don Robinson State Park hosts public information meeting Sept. 7
Department of Natural Resources hosting pesticide pickup in Columbia Sept. 7
Roaring River State Park hosts summer bluegrass concert series
St. Francois State Park hosts public information meeting Sept. 7
Guided Bison Hike at Prairie State Park Sept. 7
Ride with a Ranger at Bennett Spring State Park Sept. 14
Battle of Athens State Historic Site hosts Missouri Archaeological Society Fall Symposium Sept. 7
Public invited to "Seize the Prey" at Thousand Hills State Park Sept. 7
Missouri State Museum and Jefferson Landing State Historic Site host public information meeting Sept. 4
Landing After Hours "The Landing: History and Archaeology in Missouri’s Capital City" at Jefferson Landing State Historic Site Sept. 4
Missouri State Parks to host ribbon-cutting at Thousand Hills State Park Marina Aug. 30
Battle of Pilot Knob presents a new exhibit: Before the Fort
Missouri Department of Natural Resources and Missouri Central Railroad receive negotiation extension for Rock Island Line Corridor

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