The most recent Missouri Department of Natural Resources' news releases may be found below. Be sure to visit the department's main Communications webpage to learn more about our communication resources. If you need additional information, please contact the department's Communications office at 573-751-1010 or 800-361-4827. For Missouri State Parks related topics call 573-751-9392 or 800-334-6946

Current News

News Release Date
Missouri Department of Natural Resources Releases Follow the Water Story Map
Earth Science Week is Oct. 10-16, 2021
Battle of Pilot Knob State Historic Site hosts “Goosebumps” movie night Oct. 9
Mid-Eastern Section of Katy Trail State Park hosts public information meeting and Treloar Elevator Party Oct. 17
First Missouri State Capitol State Historic Site hosts honeybee program Oct. 13
Bennett Spring Nature Center and Sunbonnet Garden Club host annual poster contest Oct. 13-31
Crowder State Park hosts Tall Oaks Trail fall hike Oct. 9
Roaring River State Park hosts WOW National Outdoor Recreation and Conservation School Oct. 8-10
First Missouri State Capitol State Historic Site hosts breadbasket weaving class Oct. 9
Cuivre River State Park displays the Missouri State Parks bicentennial quilt Oct. 7-10
Robertsville State Park hosts Cooking with Cast Iron Oct. 9
Missouri State Museum hosts virtual “Landing After Hours” Oct. 6 featuring contemporary artist and educator Nick Cave
Arrow Rock State Historic Site hosts the grand reopening ribbon-cutting for J. Huston Tavern Oct. 8
Nathan and Olive Boone Homestead State Historic Site hosts public information meeting Oct. 13
Washington State Park hosts Fall Harvest Fest Oct. 9
Cuivre River State Park challenges visitors to complete the “Passport to Adventure” now through Oct. 31
Bennett Spring State Park hosts interpretive walk with author Laura Valenti Oct. 2
First Missouri State Capitol State Historic Site hosts public information meeting Oct. 10
Cuivre River State Park hosts public information meeting Oct. 10
Missouri State Parks reminds park visitors to follow Leave No Trace Principles while outdoors this fall
Battle of Lexington State Historic Site hosts public information meeting Oct. 9
Celebrate Knob Noster State Park’s 75th birthday at History Hallowfest Oct. 9
Confederate Memorial State Historic Site hosts public information meeting Oct. 9
Hunter-Dawson State Historic Site hosts 1860s Children’s Day Oct. 2
Robertsville State Park hosts “Rewind Time with Ms. Mellie” Oct. 2

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