The most recent Missouri Department of Natural Resources' news releases may be found below. Be sure to visit the department's main Communications webpage to learn more about our communication resources. If you need additional information, please contact the department's Communications office at 573-751-1010 or 800-361-4827. For Missouri State Parks related topics call 573-751-9392 or 800-334-6946

Current News

News Release Date
Prairie State Park to host Wildflower Walk June 10
Dr. Edmund A. Babler Memorial State Park hosts Missouri Stream Team activities
“Amazing Race” challenge comes to Crowder State Park June 3
Washington State Park hosts events to celebrate National Trails Day June 3
Missouri State Museum hosts Landing After Hours: Gateway to the Stars June 7
Dr. Edmund A. Babler Memorial State Park hosts National Trails Day hike June 3
Prairie State Park presents Guided Bison Saunter June 3
Echo Bluff State Park hosts Bird Festival
Interactive Santa Fe Trail encampment to be displayed at Arrow Rock State Historic Site
Knob Noster State Park hosts Toddler Storytime in the Park program
Help beautify Camp Derricotte at Cuivre River State Park June 3
Bennett Spring State Park to host string of events in coming weeks
Nights at the Campground return to Annie and Abel Van Meter State Park
Ha Ha Tonka State Park kicks off June with a series of fun family events
Arrow Rock State Historic Site to host Shawn Cooper art exhibit
Wakonda State Park to host raptor awareness program May 27
Washington State Park hosts Sweets and Sunshine on May 27
Knob Noster State Park hosts series of night hikes on Buteo Trail
Stockton State Park hosts summer bluegrass concerts
Bluegrass band The Punches to take the stage at Sam A. Baker State Park May 27
Learn about Native Missouri in the early 1800s at Watkins Mill State Park May 27
Echo Bluff State Park hosts summer concert series
Bennett Spring State Park hosts Bear Aware program on May 27
Improvements continue at Edward “Ted” and Pat Jones-Confluence Point State Park
Erik Otto selected as May 2023 Missouri Department of Natural Resources Team Member of the Month

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