Background/ History
The Nexeo Solutions LLC site is located at 7710 Polk Street in St. Louis. Ashland Chemical Inc. bought the facility in 1963, and began chemical distribution operations in 1975. Ashland used the facility to store and package or repackage industrial chemicals and solvents for local distribution. Chlorinated and non-chlorinated solvents, glycerines, surfactants, acids and caustics were brought to the plant, then transferred to large above ground bulk storage tanks at the facility. The chemicals were delivered to the customers by either tank truck or by drumming and transferring by truck.
Drummed wastes were stored at the hazardous waste container storage pad before being shipped off-site for disposal. Ashland operated the container storage pad under the “interim status” portions of the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).
Cleanup Summary
The hazardous waste container storage area was clean-closed Nov. 18, 1993, according to their department-approved closure plan. The department accepted Ashland’s closure report and certification Aug. 1, 1994. Ashland is not subject to the permitting requirements of the Missouri Hazardous Waste Management Law or federal Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments for post-closure care because they “clean closed” the interim status hazardous waste areas.
Ashland is subject to corrective action because they completed closure of the interim status hazardous waste areas after the effective date of the federal Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments. There are two known historical releases of hazardous waste at the facility. In 1989, twenty cubic yards of perchloroethylene contaminated soil was transported off site in response to a 200-gallon spill. In 1990, an estimated 112 gallons of Hi-Sol 10 was released as the result of a leaking underground pipe during the unloading of a tanker car. Initial investigations identified several areas that required further investigation. In January 2002, the department and Ashland voluntarily entered into a Letter of Agreement, in an effort to simplify and streamline the corrective action process. Additional investigations concluded that no further cleanup of soil appeared necessary. Ashland performed a Corrective Measures Study to identify and evaluate possible remedial alternatives for the groundwater contamination. On Sept. 30, 2010, following required public notice and opportunity for comment, the department, in coordination with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), approved the proposed final remedy for the site, which included monitored natural attenuation and institutional controls. Nexeo, formerly Ashland Inc., is implementing the approved final remedy for the groundwater contamination under a Letter of Agreement. A draft Environmental Covenant has been prepared, in order to place activity and use limitations on the property required by the final remedy.