Release Date

Entry deadline is March 15

JEFFERSON CITY, MO, FEB. 15, 2024 – To celebrate Drinking Water Week, May 5-11, 2024, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and the Missouri Section American Water Works Association are cohosting a poster contest for Missouri fifth grade students. The department is now accepting contest entries, which must be postmarked by March 15, 2024.

Following the theme, “There when you need it!,” posters should show how tap water is essential to our daily lives. Entries should be no larger than 11 x 17 inches and artists may use any color or medium (crayons, marker, pencil, etc.) to create their posters. Entries will be judged on three criteria: originality, execution and how well the poster relates to public water supplies.

Prizes will be awarded to the top three winners: $300 for first place, $200 for second place and $100 for third place. The American Water Works Association is providing the prize money. Winning entries will be featured on the department’s social media platforms and website. Posters will not be returned after the contest.

Posters should be submitted to: Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Public Drinking Water Branch, Attention: Sarah Filkins, P.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176.

For more information about the contest, contact Sarah Filkins, Missouri Department of Natural Resources at 573-522-5027, or by email at Information is also available on the department’s website at

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